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Definition: Korean War from Collins English Dictionary


1 the war (1950–53) fought between North Korea, aided by Communist China, and South Korea, supported by the US and other members of the UN

Korean War

From Encyclopedia of American Studies
On June 25, 1950, North Korean military forces crossed the thirty-eighth parallel and attacked South Korean Army positions in Ongjin. In early July, U.S. forces arrived to aid the South Korean forces under the United Nations Command. The conflict that ensued became known as the Korean War, although President Harry Truman initially referred to it as a police action. Lasting for three years, the Korean War was the first limited war of the twentieth century. The armed conflict ended with an armistice signed on July 27, 1953, at Panmunjom on the border between North and South Korea. No formal peace treaty was signed, however, and the participants are technically still at the war. Called the Forgotten War because of the relative lack of public concern compared to World War II for it during and after the conflict, the Korean War resulted in the death of 54,229 U.S. soldiers and 103,284 American casualties. The total cost of the war was $30 billion (equivalent to $341 billion in 2011), or 4.2…
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From Encyclopedia of Intelligence & Counterintelligence
United Nations and North Korean delegates sign...
The Korean War began with an enormous intelligence failure, as North Korean leader Kim IlSung's army swept through South Korea, nearly capturing the entire peninsula before America and a United Nations (UN) coalition had time to respond. The United States would have been on the scene more quickly…
| 1,159 words , 2 images
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From The Great American History Fact-Finder
Conflict pitting South Korea and U.N. forces against North Korea and later the People's Republic of China. The war began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the thirty-eighth parallel on June 25, 1950, invading the Republic of South Korea. The United Nations Security Council, declaring…
| 177 words
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From Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase and Fable
A conflict between North and South Korea. In 1950 the communist North, supported by the USSR, invaded the South, but a counterattack by mainly US forces sent by the United Nations Security Council pushed the communists back over the 38th parallel of latitude (the original dividing-line between the…
| 148 words
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From Philip's Encyclopedia
(1950-53) Conflict between North Korea (supported by China) and South Korea (backed by a US-dominated UN force). Northern forces invaded South Korea in June 1950. The United Nations' Security Council, during a boycott by the Soviet Union, voted to aid South Korea. UN forces landed under the overall…
| 124 words
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Full text Article Korean War

From Encyclopedia of American Studies
Kim II-Sung. 1946. Korean People Journal....
| 1,594 words , 6 images
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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
War from 1950 to 1953 between North Korea (supported by China) and South Korea , aided by the United Nations (the troops were mainly US). North Korean forces invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950, and the Security Council of the United Nations, owing to a walk-out by the USSR, voted to oppose them. …
| 627 words
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Full text Article Korean War

From The Oxford Companion to International Relations
The Korean War erupted on 25 June 1950 and halted with an armistice signed on 27 July 1953. It has been portrayed as a civil war between the communist North and anticommunist South and as a localized, regional war. But it was also a global war in which the Soviet Union and China confronted the…
| 3,005 words
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Full text Article Korean War

From Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
The Statue of Brothers, located in Seoul, depicts...
The Korean War (1950–53) was fought between North Korea, with support from the Soviet Union and China, and South Korea, with support from the United States and the United Nations, over control of the Korean Peninsula. Tensions between North Korea and South Korea had been building since 1948, when…
| 2,939 words , 1 image
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From Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
On June 25, 1950, the North Korean People's Army...
1950–1953 On June 25, 1950, approximately 75,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel along a 125-mile front and invaded South Korea. The attack caught the United States off guard politically and militarily. The Truman administration responded by calling for an emergency session of the…
| 1,678 words , 4 images
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Full text Article Korean War

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
(1950–53) Conflict arising after the post-World War II division of Korea, at latitude 38° N, into North Korea and South Korea. At the end of World War II, Soviet forces accepted the surrender of Japanese forces north of that line, as U.S. forces accepted Japanese surrender south of it. Negotiations…
| 315 words
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