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Definition: AGORAPHOBIA from Dictionary of Psychopathology

Fear of open spaces. The natural deterioration of functioning in such a person can be illustrated by a progression in which the person at first cannot leave the building to go to work, then cannot leave the apartment itself, then cannot leave the bedroom, and, finally, drawing the circumference and parameter of life to an even more confined space, cannot leave the bed.


From Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness: An A-to-Z Guide
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that is often associated with panic disorder and can be characterized by panic symptoms, anxiety regarding circumstances where escape seems difficult, and intense fear of places. Agoraphobia symptoms can develop with or without history of panic disorder. The presence of recurring panic attacks and concern regarding future panic attacks are features of agoraphobia with panic disorder. In agoraphobia without history of panic disorder, the individual's fear is focused on debilitating symptoms that mimic panic and can be embarrassing (e.g., public incontinence). Approximately 95 percent of individuals with agoraphobia also have an accompanying panic disorder diagnosis. Occasionally, differential diagnostic questions can arise between agoraphobia and social phobia. In social phobia, a fear of negative evaluation from others is present, whereas fear of situations associated with panic or difficulty escaping is present with agoraphobia. Diagnostic criteria…
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Full text Article Agoraphobia

From Encyclopedia of Women's Health
Agoraphobia is a psychiatric illness in which individuals are anxious about being in situations where escape may be difficult or embarrassing. Nervousness may also occur if someone is not available to help in case a panic attack or panic-like symptoms occur. Due to these apprehensions, individuals…
| 943 words
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Agoraphobia - fear of open spaces or, more generally, of simply being out of doors - is first referred to in an 1873 issue of the Journal of Mental Science; this attributes the term to Dr C Westphal, and gives his definition of it as ‘the fear of squares or open places’. This would be literally…
| 233 words
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Full text Article Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder, and Gender

From Encyclopedia of Women and Gender: Sex Similarities and Differences and the Impact of Society on Gender
I. Agoraphobia: An Overview II. Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder: DSM-IV III. Clinical Characteristics of the Agoraphobic Syndrome IV. Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder: Gender Questions V. Onset and Life Course VI. Childhood Antecedents VII. Triggers/stressors…
| 10,258 words
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Full text Article Agoraphobia

From Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
The word agoraphobia is derived from Greek words literally meaning “fear of the marketplace.” The term is used to describe an irrational and often disabling fear of being out in public. Agoraphobia is just one type of phobia, or irrational fear. People with phobias feel dread or panic when they face…
| 716 words

Full text Article Agoraphobia

From Encyclopedia of Special Education: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals
Agoraphobia (Greek for fear of the market) is fear of being alone in places or situations in which the individual believes that escape might be difficult or embarrassing or in which help may not be available in the event that the individual experiences panic-like symptoms. The fear leads to an…
| 942 words
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Full text Article agoraphobia

From The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language
An anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear or anxiety about being in open or public places. [Greek agorā, marketplace; see ger- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + –phobia.] a•gor'a•phobe' n. a•gor'a•pho'bi•ac' (-ăk') n. a•gor'a•pho'bic adj. & n. Usage Note: The traditional…
| 170 words
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In May 2013, the American Psychiatric Association released the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, known as DSM-5. This newest edition considers panic disorder and agoraphobia as two separate mental health conditions. Before, mental health clinicians diagnosed…
| 957 words
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Full text Article agoraphobia

From The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology
| 72 words
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Full text Article agoraphobia

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
| 55 words
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Full text Article agoraphobia

From Good Word Guide
| 42 words
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