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Definition: Basque from Collins English Dictionary


1 a member of a people of unknown origin living around the W Pyrenees in France and Spain

2 the language of this people, of no known relationship with any other language ▷adj

3 relating to, denoting, or characteristic of this people or their language

[C19: from French, from Latin Vascō a Basque]


From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
The people inhabiting the Basque Country of central northern Spain and the extreme southwest of France. The Basques are a pre-Indo-European people whose language ( Euskara ) is unrelated to any other language. Although both the Romans and, later, the Visigoths conquered them, they largely maintained their independence until the 19th century. During the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), they were on the republican side defeated by Franco. The Basque separatist movement Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA; ‘Basque Nation and Liberty’) and the French organization Iparretarrak (‘ETA fighters from the North Side’) have engaged in guerrilla activity from 1968 in an attempt to secure a united Basque state. At the beginning of the 10th century the Basques to the south of the Pyrenees were brought into the kingdom of Navarre and were granted fueros (charters) allowing them autonomy. The fueros were lost by the French Basques in the French Revolution and by the Spanish Basques in the 19th century. Their long…
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Full text Article BASQUES

From Cassell's Peoples, Nations and Cultures Full text Article Europe
A people of the western Pyrenees Mountains. There are around 2 million Basques, all but 200,000 of whom live in the Spanish provinces of Vizcaya, álava, GuipÚzcoa and Navarra; the remainder live in the French districts of Labourd, Basse-Navarre and Soule. The English name for the Basques is derived…
| 499 words , 1 image
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Full text Article Basques

From Philip's Encyclopedia
Indigenous people of the W Pyrenees in N Spain and SW France, numbering c .3,900,000. Their language is not related to any other European tongue. Throughout history they have tenaciously maintained their cultural identity. The kingdom of Navarre , which existed for 350 years, was home to most of the…
| 109 words
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Full text Article Basques

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
(băsks), people of N Spain and SW France. There are about 2 million Basques in the three Basque provs. and Navarre, Spain; some 250,000 in Labourd, Soule, and Lower Navarre, France; and communities of various sizes in Central and South America and other parts of the world. Many preserve their…
| 925 words
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Full text Article Basque

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Member of a people of unknown origin living in Spain and France along the Bay of Biscay and in the western Pyrenees mountains in the region of the Basque Country . About 850,000 true Basques live in Spain and another 130,000 in France. Physically the Basques are similar to other Western European…
| 162 words
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Full text Article Basque

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
The people inhabiting the Basque Country of central northern Spain and the extreme southwest of France. The Basques are a pre-Indo-European people whose language ( Euskara ) is unrelated to any other language. Although both the Romans and, later, the Visigoths conquered them, they largely maintained…
| 427 words
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Full text Article Basques

From Chambers Dictionary of World History
A people of uncertain origin living in north-west Spain and neighbouring areas in France. They are physically similar to their neighbours and are Roman Catholics, but their language, Basque, spoken by c.500,000, does not relate to any other European language and is thought to be a remnant of the…
| 179 words
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Full text Article Basque Americans

From Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America
The Basque Country is not an independent state but a region in the western Pyrenees that straddles the border between France and Spain. It is bordered by the Bay of Biscay to the north, France to the northeast, and Spain to the south and west. In Spain, where six-sevenths of its territory lies, the…
| 10,039 words , 3 images
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Full text Article Basque immigration

From Encyclopedia of North American Immigration
The Basques make up a very small proportion of European immigration to North America. In the American Community Survey estimate of 2014, 57,594 Americans claimed Basque descent, slightly down from the 57,793 recorded in 2001. Basques were not enumerated in the 2011 Canadian census, but numbers are…
| 1,167 words
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Full text Article BASQUE FAMILIES

From International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family
Any discussion of the Basque family must begin by acknowledging that Basque families can and do exist outside the Basque country. They differ even within the Basque country because sociological and political definitions are framed by the influence of two different states, Spain and France. The…
| 3,322 words
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Full text Article Basque language

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
tongue of uncertain relationship spoken by close to a million people, most of whom live in NE Spain and some of whom reside in SW France. The language has eight dialects. Speakers of Basque are for the most part bilingual, and there are many Basques who do not speak the language. Basque is…
| 237 words
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