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Definition: camouflage from The Chambers Dictionary

any device or means for disguising or concealing, or for deceiving an adversary, esp by adopting the colour, texture, etc of natural surroundings or backgrounds; the use of such a device or means.

vt and vi

to deceive, counterfeit or disguise. [Fr camoufler (verb); see also camouflet]

■ cam'oufleur

(Fr) a person or animal skilled in the art of camouflage.


From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Colours or structures that allow an animal to blend with its surroundings to avoid detection by other animals. Camouflage can take the form of matching the background colour, of countershading (darker on top, lighter below, to counteract natural shadows), or of irregular patterns that break up the outline of the animal's body. More elaborate camouflage involves closely resembling a feature of the natural environment, as with the stick insect; this is closely akin to mimicry . Camouflage is also important as a military technique, disguising either equipment, troops, or a position in order to conceal them from an enemy. In the military context, the three elements which primarily identify an object – shine, shape, and shadow – are altered to make the object difficult to identify. The most common technique is to use disruptive pattern painting, destroying shine and creating false shadows; this works effectively on ships, buildings, aircraft, and vehicles. Concealment of field positions is…
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Full text Article camouflage

From The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language
camouflage top: camouflage clothing bottom:...
The concealing of personnel or equipment from an enemy by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings. A shape or coloring that conceals: The leopard's camouflage makes it blend in with the forest shadows. a. Cloth, netting, or other material used for camouflage: spread the camouflage…
| 171 words , 2 images
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Full text Article camouflage

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Colours or structures that allow an animal to blend with its surroundings to avoid detection by other animals. Camouflage can take the form of matching the background colour, of countershading (darker on top, lighter below, to counteract natural shadows), or of irregular patterns that break up the…
| 259 words
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Full text Article camouflage

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
(kăm'Әfläzh), in warfare, the disguising of objects with artificial aids, especially for the purpose of making them blend into their surroundings or of deceiving the observer as to the location of strategic points. The principle, of course, is observed in the world of nature (see protective…
| 158 words
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Full text Article camouflage

From The Macquarie Dictionary
Military the act, art, means, or result of disguising things to deceive the enemy, as by painting or screening objects so that they are lost to view in the background, or by making up objects which, from a distance, have the appearance of fortifications, guns, roads, etc. Plural: camouflages the…
| 121 words
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Full text Article camouflage

From World of Art: The Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers
The word camouflage derives from the French verb camoufler – ‘to disguise’. It is the means, the act or result of visual deception, of obscuring things to deceive another. Traditionally used in warfare, in World War I, artists were employed by the military to make uniforms and equipment less visible…
| 133 words , 1 image
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Full text Article camouflage

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Art and practice of concealment and visual deception in war. Its goal is to prevent enemy observation of installations, personnel, equipment, and activities. Camouflage came into wide use in World War I in response to air warfare. Aerial reconnaissance (and later aerial bombardment) required…
| 130 words
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Full text Article camouflage

From Collins English Dictionary
n 1 the exploitation of natural surroundings or artificial aids to conceal or disguise the presence of military units, equipment, etc 2 ( modifier ) (of fabric or clothing) having a design of irregular patches of dull colours (such as browns and greens), as used in military camouflage 3 the means by…
| 103 words
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Full text Article Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q)

From Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders
CAT-Q The Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q) is a standardized self-report measure of camouflaging behaviors in autistic and non-autistic adults. It comprises 25 items and takes around 5 min to complete, on paper or online. The scale consists of three sub-scales: compensation…
| 1,300 words
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Full text Article Social Camouflaging in Adults with ASD

From Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders
A description of the construct of camouflaging (minimizing the appearance of autistic characteristics during social interactions) and current literature. The earliest known record of the concept of camouflaging in the academic literature comes from the seminal work of Lorna Wing, who described…
| 2,775 words
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Full text Article Mimicry and Camouflage

From The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought
Henry Walter Bates (1825–92), the...
Even before Charles Darwin put pen to paper to write up his theory of evolution through natural selection, entomologists knew full well that the colors of insects “deceive, dazzle, alarm or annoy” their enemies (Kirby and Spence 1815–28, 2:219). It was taken as overwhelming proof of the power and…
| 5,340 words , 5 images
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