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Chaos Theory

From Encyclopedia of Environment and Society
CHAOS THEORY DERIVES from physics and mathematics, and is a form of systems theory that seeks to describe highly complex and disordered systems, such as the atmosphere; although some attempts have been made to apply chaos theory to both the social and ecological sciences. The theory states that complex and seemingly chaotic systems, whose structure cannot be described by linear mathematics, are actually underwritten by orderly processes, an idea that has been termed deterministic chaos . The theory utilizes nonlinear mathematics to describe these systems, and attempts to understand change in terms of the values that the variables take on, in contrast to the related complexity theory, which seeks to explain change in terms of variability from outside the system in question. In rejecting linearity, both chaos and complexity theory have replaced the classical notion of linear causation with the idea of self-organization , in which the individual components of the system are viewed as…
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Full text Article Chaos theory

From The Social Science Jargon-Buster
Core definition A mathematical theory based on fractal geometry used to predict systems that are highly sensitive to change and have loose cause-and-effect relationships. In the social sciences, chaos theory is sometimes used metaphorically rather than mathematically to explain complex social…
| 534 words
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Full text Article chaos theory

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
in mathematics, physics, and other fields, a set of ideas that attempts to reveal structure in aperiodic, unpredictable dynamic systems such as cloud formation or the fluctuation of biological populations. Although chaotic systems obey certain rules that can be described by mathematical equations, …
| 202 words
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Full text Article chaos theory

From The Penguin Dictionary of Physics
The theory of the unpredictable behaviour that can arise in systems obeying deterministic laws as a result of their sensitivity to variations in the initial conditions or to an excessive number of variables. Although deterministic laws enable the condition of a system to be predicted at any time in…
| 185 words
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Full text Article Chaos theory

From 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know Full text Article MATTER IN MOTION
Chaos theory
Chaos theory declares that tiny changes in circumstance can have major ramifications later on. If you left the house 30 seconds late, then even though you just missed your bus you may also have met someone who directed you to a new job, changing the path of your life for ever. Chaos theory applies…
| 1,379 words , 1 image
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Full text Article CHAOS THEORY

From The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics
According to chaos theory, the moving of a butterfly’s wing in suburban Surrey can cause a tidal wave to engulf the unfortunate people of Polynesia, in the manner of one tiny thing leads to another, which leads to another, the whole connected certainly, but unpredictably. The unpredictability is not…
| 301 words
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Full text Article Chaos Theory: The Mathematics of Chaos

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
The mathematics of chaos Why are tides predictable years ahead, whereas weather forecasts often go wrong within a few days? Both tides and weather are governed by natural laws. Tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the Sun and Moon; the weather by the motion of the atmosphere under the…
| 733 words
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Full text Article CHAOS THEORY

From The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis
Chaos theory allows the representation of dynamic systems and their behaviour by mathematical formulas. The systems that have been usefully modelled by chaos theory include fluids (gases and liquids), magnetic activity, the earth’s weather, and cardiac and brain electrophysiology. These systems…
| 236 words
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Full text Article chaos theory

From Philip's Encyclopedia
Theory that attempts to describe and explain the highly complex behaviour of apparently chaotic or unpredictable systems which show an underlying order. The behaviour of some physical systems is impossible to describe using the standard laws of physics - the mathematics needed to describe these…
| 164 words
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Full text Article chaos theory

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Branch of mathematics that attempts to describe irregular, unpredictable systems – that is, systems whose behaviour is difficult to predict because there are so many variable or unknown factors. Weather is an example of a chaotic system. Chaos theory, which attempts to predict the probable behaviour…
| 112 words
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Full text Article chaos theory

From The New Penguin Business Dictionary
A concept concerned with the highly complicated and unpredictable outcomes that can be generated by relatively simple systems. The central feature of chaotic systems is the ‘butterfly effect’; the idea that a small impact event (such as the flapping of a butterfly's wings) can have effects that…
| 211 words
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