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Definition: conservation from Philip's Encyclopedia

Preservation of nature and natural resources. Conservation includes protecting the landscape from change due to natural erosion; using soil conditioners and artificial fertilizers to maintain soil fertility; replacing topsoil and landscaping spoiled land and protecting threatened species of animals and plants by law or in wildlife parks and reservations.


From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In the life sciences, action taken to protect and preserve the natural world, usually from pollution, overexploitation, and other harmful features of human activity. The late 1980s saw a great increase in public concern for the environment, with membership of conservation groups, such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace , and the US Sierra Club , rising sharply and making the green movement an increasingly-powerful political force. Globally the most important issues include the depletion of atmospheric ozone by the action of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (thought to contribute to the greenhouse effect ), and deforestation . Conservation may be necessary to prevent an endangered species from dying out in an area or even becoming extinct. But conservation of particular habitats may be as important, if not more important. Habitat loss is believed to be the main cause of the great reduction of biodiversity and the rate of extinction occurring…
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From Encyclopedia of Insects
Insect conservation includes two main contexts. Insects may be conservation “targets,” whereby particular species become the focus of concern because of their perceived decline in abundance or distribution, or insects may be conservation “tools,” in which they are incorporated into broader aspects…
| 5,021 words
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From The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility
→ Biodiversity Conservation can be defined as the rational and prudent management of biological resources to achieve the greatest sustainable current benefit while maintaining the potential of the resources to meet the needs of future generations. In natural resource economics, conservation is a…
| 562 words
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From The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography
As representatives of a ‘sub-discipline of human geography concerned with the geographies of the past and the influence of the past in shaping the geographies of the present and the future’, historical geographers rarely claim their work has an urgent social and political relevance ( Heffernan 2009…
| 11,870 words
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From Environmental History and Global Change: A Dictionary of Environmental History
The deliberate protection, management, exploitation and restoration of natural resources and environments to allow their long-term survival. Unlike preservation, conservation recognizes that ecosystems are not unchanging and require positive management, though there may be problems regarding which…
| 384 words
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conservation Some Piagetian conservation tasks....
Conservation is Piaget’s term for a child’s (or adult’s) ability to recognise what basic properties of a physically present or imagined concrete object are not changed by certain transformations in the object’s form (Thomas 1999). For example, presented with identical glasses A and B, filled with…
| 223 words , 1 image
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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In the life sciences, action taken to protect and preserve the natural world, usually from pollution, overexploitation, and other harmful features of human activity. The late 1980s saw a great increase in public concern for the environment, with membership of conservation groups, such as Friends of…
| 774 words
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From The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology
A term introduced by Piaget for the understanding that quantitative aspects of a set of materials or other stimulus display are not changed or affected by transformations of the display itself. The key notion here is that one who is a ‘conserver’ is one who recognizes that the critical quantitative…
| 222 words
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From The Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments
Conservation in marine environments is several decades behind conservation on land, partly because impacts on the sea are much less visible than those on land. For example, most of us do not venture far enough into the ocean to be able to see the effects of bottom- trawling . The most serious…
| 574 words
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From AllSides Red Blue Dictionary
Although the principles of conservation could apply to many areas of life that some may want to preserve or "conserve," the word has come to center on a land ethic reflecting a prudent form of stewardship that pays heed to precautionary principles about resources and the commons of our air and…
| 535 words
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Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir on Glacier...
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