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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
in economics, the allocation of a society's total wealth among various economic groups. Distribution, in that sense, does not refer to the physical marketing or circulation of goods, which is part of the process of exchange, but to the relative well-being and economic wealth of persons and groups. By classifying people according to their share of the distribution—usually by means of relative income—a picture of society's stratification, and thus its structure, may emerge. Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto developed (1897) one of the best–known theories on the subject, arguing that a pattern of income distribution is evident throughout history, in all societies. Inequalities in distribution are related to inequalities in political power; in most societies, the economically dominant strata tend also to be politically dominant. The division of labor , which necessitates exchange, causes various problems of distribution. Inequalities in distribution among industrial groups making a common…
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
This refers to the nature of any variable that is collected as part of a quantitative research method. For instance, it could be measures of the income of individuals, the levels of crimes of cities or the health differences between nations. But a statistician's approach to examining a distribution…
| 609 words
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From Collins Dictionary of Business
the process of storing and moving products to customers, often through intermediaries such as WHOLESALERS and RETAILERS . The task of physical distribution management involves moving specified quantities of products to places where customers can conveniently buy them, in time to replenish stocks, …
| 153 words
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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
in economics, the allocation of a society's total wealth among various economic groups. Distribution, in that sense, does not refer to the physical marketing or circulation of goods, which is part of the process of exchange, but to the relative well-being and economic wealth of persons and groups. …
| 364 words
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From The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics
A random variable that takes only a finite or countably infinite set of values has a discrete distribution . More formally, for a random variable X taking a finite or countably infinite set of values x i , the discrete distribution of X is the set of pairs ( x i , Pr(X = x i ) ). In most practical…
| 185 words
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From A/V A to Z: An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media, Entertainment and Other Audiovisual Terms
The process of making audiovisual works available to exhibitors or broadcasters for presentation to the public or to retailers for sale or rent to the public. The midpoint in the production-distribution-exhibition chain. Theatrical distribution includes selling or renting a work to exhibitors or…
| 440 words
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From Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought
1 . Economics. The theory of distribution concerns itself with explaining how the returns to the several factors of production ( land , labour and capital ) are determined. Some theories focus on aggregate rent, wages and interest, while others seek to provide a far more detailed explanation; e.g. …
| 214 words
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
the property of standing for every individual designated by a term. The Latin term distributio originated in the twelfth century; it was applied to terms as part of a theory of reference, and it may have simply indicated the property of a term prefixed by a universal quantifier. The term ‘dog’ in…
| 357 words
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Distribution is the process of delivering the right products, at the right time, in the right place, and in the right condition for consumers to buy them. Getting the products to the right place for consumers to be able to buy them is an obviously important part of marketing. Getting products to the…
| 1,789 words
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From Collins English Dictionary
n 1 the act of distributing or the state or manner of being distributed 2 a thing or portion distributed 3 arrangement or location 4 commerce the process of physically satisfying the demand for goods and services 5 economics the division of the total income of a community among its members, esp…
| 182 words
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