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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
place of production characterized by wage labor, the use of machinery, and the division of labor. The large-scale use of machinery differentiates factory production from simple manufacture, and the division of labor sets it apart from even the most elaborate handicraft establishments. Standardized goods are produced and sometimes sold more cheaply by the factory system, and occasionally the goods are better than those made by artisans. The factory system makes possible huge increases in output per man-hour though at the same time division of labor deprives individual workers of much of their sense of creativity. However, in the 19th and first half of the 20th cent., the factory system gave rise to serious social problems, some of which persist. The tedious routine of assembly line work resulted in boredom and frustration among the workers; this could reduce productivity and product quality. The concentration of large plants and factories in urban areas also helped create urban…
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Full text Article factory

From Word Origins
Latin factor , a derivative of facere ‘make’, meant ‘maker, doer’ (it was introduced into English in the 15th century as ‘agent’, but was not adopted as a mathematical term until the mid 17th century). Among its post-classical derivatives were late Latin factōrium oil-press’ and medieval Latin…
| 117 words
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Full text Article factory

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
place of production characterized by wage labor, the use of machinery, and the division of labor. The large-scale use of machinery differentiates factory production from simple manufacture, and the division of labor sets it apart from even the most elaborate handicraft establishments. Standardized…
| 408 words
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Full text Article factory

From The Macquarie Dictionary
factories a building or group of buildings, usually with equipment, where things are made. factories factories an organisation, structure, person, etc., that produces something in large quantities Popular culture is certainly a factory of myth. peter conrad 1998, factories factories Australian…
| 169 words
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Full text Article factory

From The Chambers Dictionary
a place or building where goods are manufactured; a trading settlement in another country ( hist ). [LL factorium , ult from L facere to do, make] n pl laws dealing with working conditions, safety, etc in places of work, enforced by the factory inspectorate . n one carrying out factory farming , …
| 153 words
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Full text Article factory

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Structure in which work is organized to meet the need for production on a large scale usually with power-driven machinery. In the 17th–18th century, the domestic system of work in Europe began giving way to larger units of production, and capital became available for investment in industrial…
| 167 words
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Full text Article Factory Farms

From Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
Factory farms, also known as megafarms or industrial farms, are large agribusiness corporations that practice confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The industrial approach to farming originated in the 1920s with the advent of adding vitamins A and D to animal feed. This enabled the raising of…
| 1,182 words
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Full text Article Dropout Factories

From Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice
Dropout factories are high schools “where 60% or less of the students who enter the school as freshman graduate” ( Balfanz & Legters, 2014 ). Dr. Robert Balfanz, a John Hopkins University researcher, coined the term to encapsulate those schools who fit certain profiles: they are in mostly urban…
| 867 words
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Fishing for crabs off Japan's northern island,...
The Factory Ship , sometimes translated as The Cannery Boat or The Crab-Canning Boat , is a short novel written by the Japanese author Takiji Kobayashi and published in 1929. The novella describes the life of a sailor onboard a Japanese crab-canning boat and depicts severe working conditions in…
| 2,404 words , 1 image
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Full text Article factory act

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In Britain, an act of Parliament which governs conditions of work, hours of labour, safety, and sanitary provision in factories and workshops. In the 19th century legislation was progressively introduced to regulate conditions of work. The first legislation was the Health and Morals of Apprentices…
| 1,297 words
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Full text Article Factory Farming

From The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor, and Economic History
“Factory farming” refers to the industrial model of agricultural organization that developed in the United States across the twentieth century.  After beginning with the mechanization of wheat farms in the Dakotas, California, and the Great Plains early in the twentieth century, industrialization…
| 1,189 words
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