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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
act of catching fish for consumption or display. Fishing—usually by hand, club, spear, net, and (at least as early as 23,000 years ago) by hook—was known to prehistoric people. It was practiced by the ancient Persians, Egyptians, and Chinese, and it is mentioned in the Odyssey and in the Bible. It is a major means of subsistence and livelihood today, not only in societies such as those of islands of the South Pacific and other regions but also in most nations of the world (see fisheries ). The development of fishing as a sport or pastime is comparatively recent, although books on the art and philosophy of angling have been published since the early 16th cent.; the most famous work is Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler (1653). The basic equipment of modern sport fishing consists of a barbed metal hook at the end of a nylon or Dacron line, and a wood, fiberglass, or metal rod, or pole, that usually has some type of spool, or reel, near the handle around which the line is wound. …
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Rock-wall traps were built on gently sloping...
Fish, both shellfish and finfish, are a vitally important source of food for people living around the world's coasts. In 1985, the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) of the United Nations estimated that for 60 percent of the population in tropical developing countries, between 40 and 100…
| 478 words , 2 images
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Full text Article fishing

From Philip's Encyclopedia
and fisheries Harvesting fish for commercial uses. Commercial fishing boats and fleets employ several methods for catching fish, including pole and line, purse seine, gill netting, trawling and stunning. About 70% of the commercial fish catch is taken in the Northern Hemisphere, with the greatest…
| 182 words
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Full text Article fishing

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
act of catching fish for consumption or display. Fishing—usually by hand, club, spear, net, and (at least as early as 23,000 years ago) by hook—was known to prehistoric people. It was practiced by the ancient Persians, Egyptians, and Chinese, and it is mentioned in the Odyssey and in the Bible. It…
| 607 words
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Full text Article fishing

From Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
There is evidence of specialized fishing adaptations in the archaeological record dating from Palaeolithic times, which parallel technological developments in the exploitation of terrestrial resources. Fishery resources are in places abundant and reliable. Year-round livelihoods are possible with…
| 1,037 words
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Full text Article Fishing

From The Encyclopedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments
Fishing is the activity of using a pole, net, spear or an individual’s hands to catch crustaceans , shellfish or fish. Fishing has an elaborate history, in which fishing techniques evolved from the use of natural materials to create hooks and nets. The historical methods were modified through time…
| 528 words
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Full text Article fishing

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Sport of catching fish—freshwater or saltwater—typically with rod, line, and hook. Fishing is as old as the human ability to use tools to capture prey. The first significant modern innovations, including use of a reel, a rod with line guides, and a hook with an offset point, came in the late 17th…
| 177 words
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Surrounding nets. (A) Purse seine; (B)...
Abstract In this article, the basic principles of fishing and the classification of fishing methods by fishing gear are introduced. Also, the approaches to solve the by-catch and discard problems are included. Next, the status of the number of fishing fleets by regions are explained. Finally, the…
| 6,589 words , 16 images
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Full text Article Fishing

From U.S. Land & Natural Resources Policy: A Public Issues Handbook Full text Article Industry Resources for Land and Natural Resources
Associations 5410 Grosvenor Ln Suite 110 Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 301-897-8616 FAX 301-897-8096 E-Mail: Home Page: Social Media: Facebook, Twitter Bill Fisher, President John Boreman, President-Elect Bob Hughes, First Vice President Donna Parrish, Second Vice…
| 4,307 words
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Full text Article fishing

From The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization
Fish populations of the *Mediterranean are less abundant than those of the oceans. Gradients of temperature and salinity resulting from the depth and the closure of the ecosystem, however, promote the life cycle of several important species on the continental shelves (but see food and drink ). The…
| 634 words
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Full text Article commercial fishing

From Science Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Marine Science
Valona, GA, shrimp boat dragging a bottom trawl...
Commercial fishing is the business of taking marine resources for pay or purposes of sale, barter, or exchange. Fishermen use distinct craft and equipment to catch usually either demersal or pelagic species. Demersal catches include species that inhabit the seafloor, while pelagics are caught at or…
| 921 words , 1 image
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