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Definition: group dynamics from BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource

courses. Issues of power, influence, and interpersonal conflict all affect dynamics and group performance. One means of helping people to create positive group dynamics is sensitivity training.

Group Dynamics

From Encyclopedia of Social Psychology
Group dynamics are the influential actions, processes, and changes that take place in groups. Individuals often seek personal objectives independently of others, but across a wide range of settings and situations, they join with others in groups. The processes that take place within these groups—such as pressures to conform, the development of norms and roles, differentiation of leaders from followers, collective goal-strivings, and conflict—substantially influence members’ emotions, actions, and thoughts. Kurt Lewin, widely recognized as the founding theorist of the field, used the term group dynamics to describe these group processes, as well as the scientific discipline devoted to their description and analysis. People have wondered at the nature of groups and their dynamics for centuries, but only in the past 100 years did researchers from psychology, sociology, and related disciplines begin seeking answers to questions about the nature of groups and their processes: Why do humans…
5,322 results

Full text Article Group Dynamics

From World of Sociology, Gale
Group dynamics refer to the way groups affect individuals’ actions and interactions. A social group is defined as two or more people who interact and identify with one another. There are many types of social groups, and each is characterized by some common bond felt by its members. This common bond…
| 388 words
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Full text Article group dynamics

From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
The group dynamics approach to small groups research was perhaps the most influential attempt to analyze the processual quality of group life. The approach was first articulated by German émigré Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) in the 1930s and 1940s, and became institutionalized by Lewin, his students, and…
| 321 words
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Full text Article Group Dynamics

From Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
Group dynamics refers to the interactions, attitudes, and influences of people when they are grouped together either through accident or intentional association. Group dynamics applies to the study of two different situations. Intragroup dynamics studies the behaviors and psychological effects that…
| 1,192 words
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The distinctive appearance of a Hasidic Jew,...
Group dynamics refer to the ways that people interact within groups and the ways that groups behave as a whole. Importantly, group dynamics exist apart from the personalities of individuals that make up the group. While the personalities of the people in the group influence the way that the group…
| 4,444 words , 2 images
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Full text Article Group Dynamics in Sport

From Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology
Multidimensional Model of Leadership....
Group dynamics is a term used to refer to the processes within a group that contribute to its success or failure as well as the scientific study of such processes. In the context of sport, greater emphases have been placed on the processes of cohesion and leadership as they relate to performance and…
| 6,423 words , 3 images
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The impact of a terrorist group upon the terrorist can be an important factor in the lethality of the actions carried out by the individual. If group dynamics help to shape terrorist thought and action, then its impact must certainly be understood in order to understand the contemporary terrorist. …
| 901 words
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Full text Article group dynamics

From BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource
| 75 words
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Full text Article group dynamics

From Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management
| 69 words
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In the case of the individual who commits terrorism as a member of a fanatic religious group, the impact of religion on the dynamics of the group is significant. Religions, as a rule, offer to some extent their own versions of “reality” as well as a promise of “reward” for conformity to the norms of…
| 353 words
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Full text Article group dynamics

From Collins English Dictionary
| 31 words
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