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Halley, Edmond (1656-1742)

From The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Place: United Kingdom, England Subject : biography, astronomy English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who not only identified the comet later to be known by his name, but also compiled a star catalogue, detected stellar motion using historical records, and began a line of research that - after his death - resulted in a reasonably accurate calculation of the astronomical unit. Halley was born in Haggerton, near London, on 8 November 1656. The son of a wealthy businessman, he attended St Paul's School (in London) and then Oxford University, where he wrote and published a book on the laws of Johannes Kepler that drew him to the attention of the Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed . Flamsteed's interest secured for him, despite his leaving Oxford without a degree, the opportunity to begin his scientific career by spending two years on the island of St Helena, charting (none too successfully) the hitherto unmapped stars of the southern hemisphere. The result was the first catalogue of…
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Full text Article Halley, Edmond

From Astronomy Encyclopedia
English scientist, the second ASTRONOMER ROYAL , famous for the long-period comet named after him, his observation and cataloguing of southern stars, his part in the publication of Newton's Principia , and his discovery of stellar proper motions. Outside astronomy, his accomplishments were numerous. …
| 578 words
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Full text Article Halley, Edmond

From Philip's Encyclopedia
| 72 words
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Full text Article Halley, Edmond (1656-1742)

From The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Place: United Kingdom, England Subject : biography, astronomy English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who not only identified the comet later to be known by his name, but also compiled a star catalogue, detected stellar motion using historical records, and began a line of research that - …
| 988 words
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Full text Article Halley, Edmond (1656–1742).

From The Oxford Companion to British History
Astronomer, remembered because his name is attached to a comet. Leaving Queen's College, Oxford, without a degree in 1676, he went to St Helena to map the southern stars. After a famous meeting with *Wren and *Hooke , he visited *Newton in Cambridge, and hearing about his work on gravitation, …
| 139 words
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Full text Article Halley, Edmond (1656-1742)

From The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics
| 97 words
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Full text Article Edmond Halley (1656-1742) (engraving)

From Bridgeman Images: The Bridgeman Art Library
Edmond Halley (1656-1742) (engraving)
| 56 words , 1 image
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Portrait of Edmond Halley (1656-1742), engraved by George Vertue (1684-1756) (engraving) (b/w photo)
| 79 words , 1 image
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Edmond Halley (1656-1742) from 'Gallery of Portraits', published in 1833 (engraving)
| 80 words , 1 image
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Publication containing fundamental astronomical reference data for each calendar year. It includes positions of the Sun, Moon and planets, data for physical observations, positions of planetary satellites, sunrise and sunset times, phases of the Moon, eclipses, locations of observatories and…
| 129 words
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Full text Article TRANSIT OF VENUS

From Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations
English astronomer and mathematician I could wish…that many observations of this famous phenomenon [transit of Venus] might be taken by different persons at separate places, both that we might arrive at a greater degree of certainty by their agreement, and also lest any single observer should be…
| 964 words
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