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Definition: happiness from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary

(15c) 1 obs : good fortune :prosperity 2 a : a state of well-being and contentment :joy b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience 3 : felicity aptness


From Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy
What is happiness and why does it matter? What is the relationship between happiness and education? Should happiness be seen as a key educational aim, as some philosophers, teachers, and policymakers suggest? These questions are at the fore not only of much of philosophy and educational policy and practice but also of psychology, economics, sociology, neuroscience, and other domains. To resolve them may seem like an impossible task. “There is hardly a muddier concept [happiness] in the over 2000-year history of philosophy,” says Kristjansson (2010 , p. 300); Bruckner describes happiness as “an enigma, a permanent source of debates, a fluid that can take every form but which no form exhausts” (2010, p. 3). Watery metaphors abound, but progress can be made by reflecting on what happiness means to us as human beings and by clarifying basic concepts. This entry discusses various concepts of happiness, including the utilitarian concept of pleasure, the Aristotelian concept of flourishing or…
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From Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850
The pursuit of happiness, famously listed as an unalienable right in the American Declaration of Independence (1776), was a serious quest in the eighteenth century. Rationalist assaults on religious, social, and moral prejudices opened up the prospect of a secular happiness blessed by reason and…
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From Encyclopedia of Adolescence
One of the most sought-after states of being is happiness, which is the experience of having a preponderance of positive emotions that lead people to be satisfied with life. As such, happiness generally is thought to consist of at least three components: global life satisfaction, the presence of…
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From Encyclopedia of Ethics
The desire for happiness is one of the most important springs of human conduct. Any satisfactory ethical theory must, therefore, take a position about it. The positions of utilitarians and Kantians occupy opposite ends of a continuum. BENTHAM (1748-1832), JOHN STUART MILL (1806-1873), and SIDGWICK…
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From The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment
Few words are as closely associated with the American experiment as the “pursuit of happiness.” The phrase features centrally in the Declaration of Independence where Jefferson included it among other “inalienable rights” and “self-evident” truths. And though not all have concurred since with the…
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From American Governance
For centuries the concept of happiness has intrigued philosophers. Colonial Americans cherished the prosperity and happiness that they and their forebears had achieved individually and collectively for their colonies and Britain. In 1763 a concern for happiness led colonists repeatedly to denounce…
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From Dictionary of Leisure Studies
As the great adventurer, spy, librarian and philanderer, Casanova, is reported to have once said: ‘If pleasure exists, and we can only enjoy it in life, then life is a happiness’. However, in its modern usage, the word more often tends to be used to refer to those activities by which individuals can…
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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Introduction The idea of happiness has a complex history. Few have denied the desirability of happiness, though many have tried to distinguish ‘true’ happiness from happiness ‘as commonly understood’, and religions and philosophies have often prized happiness (as in Aristotle's eudaimonia , or total…
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From Collins Dictionary of Quotations
Smile, it confuses people. ADAMS, Scott The Dilbert Principle . One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy. ARISTOTLE Nicomachean Ethics . …
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From The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics
There are five parts to my guide to happiness. In times of philosophical explanations, philosophy should be used as the conductor that directs the symphony of thoughts, so that the harmony of wisdom is also adorned with truth. For when we try to consider happiness, the whole effort of our attention…
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From Dictionary of Untranslatables
The difficulty of the notion of happiness (luck, good fortune, prosperity, joy, felicity) has to do with the fact that it is located in a double register: the moral and even religious horizon of the goals of life (see VIRTUE , and in particular VIRTÙ ), but also the entirely contingent register of…
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