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From Encyclopedia of Gender and Society
The term homosexuality emerged in 19th-century expert discourse to refer primarily to men’s same-sex desire; during the 20th century, the term increasingly came to refer to female same-sex desire. Since the 1970s, the terms gay and lesbian have developed to distinguish between male and female identity and experience. The issue of homosexuality is important to theoretical debates about the social construction of sexuality and gender and is often the focus of discussions about the relationship between sexuality, gender, and power. Studies variously emphasize the historical, cultural, and relational nature of constructions of homosexuality in exploring its interrelatedness with gender. Some theorists have examined this interrelatedness as part of broader explorations of the centrality of sexuality to the modern social order. Other theorists have examined this interrelatedness for the insights it generates into gender relations in the patriarchal order. Social and cultural theorists have…
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
Homosexuality refers to sexual behaviors, desires, attractions, and relationships among people of the same sex, as well as to the culture, identities, and communities associated with them. The term encompasses at least five phenomena that are often, although not always, related. First, it is used to…
| 1,010 words
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Full text Article HOMOSEXUALITY

From Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850
By the end of the Enlightenment, sexuality had become a suitable matter for philosophical enquiry. In a series of lectures on ethics delivered to his male students at Königsberg between 1756 and 1794, Immanuel Kant warned against involvement in fornication, adultery, masturbation, bestiality, …
| 1,519 words
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From World of Sociology, Gale
Two homosexual men embrace at the 1998 Gay Pride...
The term “homosexuality” can be a subjective or objective evaluation of sexual activities, affective attachment, and/or self-concept. Rather than a noun that labels an entire identity , the term “homosexuality” is properly used as a descriptive adjective. It is not solely the choice of sexual…
| 449 words , 1 image
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From Book of Bible Quotations
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the…
| 202 words
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Full text Article homosexuality

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
a term created by 19th cent. theorists to describe a sexual and emotional interest in members of one's own sex. Today a person is often said to have a homosexual or a heterosexual orientation, a description intended to defuse some of the long-standing sentiment among many Westerners that…
| 1,062 words
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From The Classical Tradition
From the Renaissance onward, classical forms and myths have provided a means by which homosexual themes and emotions could be overtly explored, whether in literature or in visual art. For centuries their classical reading provided the young of the elite with much of their sex education. In Don Juan…
| 1,072 words
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Full text Article HOMOSEXUALITY

From The Reader's Companion to American History
Since the seventeenth century, homosexuality has been the target of condemnation and discriminatory laws, public policies, social customs, and cultural beliefs. By making gay men and lesbians the object of scorn, this hostility has kept much homosexual behavior hidden. Religion has been of central…
| 2,339 words
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World's Cultures
INTRODUCTION We might define “homosexuality” simply as sexual relationships between people of the same sex. Yet behind this simple definition lie many different phenomena. People vary tremendously in their same-sex behaviors, in their sexual desires, and in the ways they define themselves. Cultures…
| 8,603 words
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Full text Article Homosexuality

From Encyclopedia of Women's Health
Homosexuality is conceptualized in modern times as a sexual orientation . Individuals who are oriented toward romantic and sexual relations with members of the same sex are identified as homosexual, whereas those who are oriented toward the opposite sex are labeled heterosexual. These natural…
| 1,147 words
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Full text Article homosexuality

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Sexual interest in and attraction to members of one’s own sex. Female homosexuality is frequently referred to as lesbianism ; the word gay is often used as an alternative for both “homosexual” and “lesbian,” though it may refer specifically to male homosexuality. At different times and in different…
| 224 words
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