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Definition: ideology from Philip's Encyclopedia

Collection of beliefs or ideas reflecting the interests and aspirations of a country or its political system. In the 20th century, the term has been applied to various political theories, including fascism, Marxism, and communism.


From Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Ideology is a term widely used in everyday language, in philosophy and literature, and in the social sciences. It is well represented in research in political psychology, and more recently it has attracted attention in social psychology. Definitions of the concept vary considerably. A common theme in the research literature is that an ideology is a set of beliefs, shared by members of a group or collective movement, organized into a doctrine that guides thinking and behavior. In social psychology, the term refers to a systematic and integrated set of beliefs whose primary function is explanation. This explanatory function of ideology links the concept to social psychological theories of how people attribute causes to behavior. An ideology circumscribes thinking and entails commitment; hence an adherent will usually find it difficult to escape its grip. Literature dealing with ideology is mainly in the arena of politics, where discussion of ideology usually includes reference to social…
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From Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory
Related concepts : crisis , discourse , doxa , power , power/knowledge , social class . The history of the term ‘ideology’ can be traced back to the work of Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Tracy coined the term to denote the new science of ideas…
| 4,157 words
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Full text Article IDEOLOGY

From Dictionary of Visual Discourse: A Dialectical Lexicon of Terms
Ideo- , ideas, logos , speech, discourse, account, science, reason, etc. As the word ideology is polysemic and displays a complex and manifestly promiscuous history, a clear differentiation of the varied meanings and usages of the concept is fundamental for any kind of critical thought. In its most…
| 2,423 words
Key concepts:
“Ideology” is a word that was first used to name a “science of ideas” in the late eighteenth century. In the nineteenth century, the word began to be used in its modern sense to name a systematic body of ideas or doctrines. One therefore today speaks of “liberal ideology” or “conservative ideology” …
| 1,258 words
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From Key Concepts in Sports Studies
'Ideology' is an important word in the vocabulary of political and social commentators and first entered this vocabulary around the time of the French Revolution of 1789. It has two principal meanings. Firstly , it can describe a particular set of attitudes, beliefs or views of the world. These…
| 1,228 words
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From The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies
So influential has the concept of ideology been within cultural studies that the whole field was once dubbed ‘ideological studies’. Of course, the notion of ideology has a long history and comes in various shapes and sizes. However, from a cultural studies perspective, it has been the Marxist…
| 1,200 words
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From Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
The term ‘ideology’ has a history going back to the late eighteenth century. In politics and sociology it has been used in a great variety of meanings, but as far as anthropology is concerned only two senses of the term are important. The first use of the term refers to the system of social and…
| 1,179 words
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
Generally used to point to the ability of ideas to affect social circumstances, the function of ideology has thus been described as the capacity to advance the political and economic interests of groups or social classes ( Karl Mannheim , Ideology and Utopia , 1936; Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels , …
| 799 words
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From The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology
One of the most debated concepts in sociology, ideology may be provisionally defined as beliefs, attitudes and opinions which form a set, whether tightly or loosely related. The term has been used in three important senses: to refer to very specific kinds of belief; to refer to believes that are in…
| 779 words
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From Key Concepts in Education
Ideology started life, like so many of our political concepts , in the Enlightenment and during the French Revolution. It then meant no more than a system of (probably recent) ideas . However, it quickly took on a slightly fishy-smelling suggestion, as exemplified in the joke conjugation: ‘I have…
| 717 words
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From Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought
Term coined by the French philosopher Destutt de Tracy in 1795, to denote the general science of ideas, which was to clarify and improve the public mind. Given currency by the rhetoricians of the French Revolution ( les idéologues ), by Napoleon, and by Marx , the term developed in many directions…
| 603 words
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