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From Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society
The phrase lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) refers to members of a community of people marginalized by sexuality and gender. The acronym LGBT itself owes its existence to decades of identity politics and organizing. Ethnoracial minorities who are LGBT face specific issues where sexuality, gender, and their experience as people of color intertwine, and LGBT categories are infused with racial readings not often discussed. This entry consists of two sections; the first discusses the historical relationship between these categories, and the second addresses specific aspects that relate to ethnoracial groups, LGBT identity, and community organizing. In general, social scientists, service providers, and even lawmakers are beginning to make a distinction between gay, lesbian, and bisexual as a type of sexual orientation (along with heterosexual and, as some people would argue, asexual) and transgender and transsexual as specifically referring to one’s own sense of gender…
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Full text Article LGBT Rights

From Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice
The call for rights pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people represents a call for human rights. Debates circulating around the history of LGBT rights concerns legal and social issues. Beginning in the nineteenth century, doctors and sexologists coined the term homosexual…
| 417 words
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Full text Article LGBT Rights

From Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice
As men and women of conscience, we reject discrimination in general, and in particular discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity … Where there is a tension between cultural attitudes and universal human rights, rights must carry the day. Together, we seek the repeal of laws that…
| 3,431 words
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Full text Article LGBT

From Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice
LGBT is an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, referencing an “imagined” community of non-heterosexual or non-cisgender people (see Transgender ) ( Acosta, 2008 ; Woolwine, 2000 ). Such a community exists only insofar as it represents nondominant sexualities and gender…
| 433 words
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Full text Article LGBT/queer sexuality, history of, North America

From The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality
Canada LGBTQ Mexico Queer United States This entry reviews the LGBT/queer initialism: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. A chronology of the expansion of this initialism in the United States to include more sexual and gendered identities is presented. The varied uses of the initialism…
| 3,905 words
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Full text Article Gay Rights Movement

From Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
The gay rights movement consists of groups and individuals linked by a set of broad political and cultural goals that reflect a shared identity based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The gay rights movement is not monolithic, however, and includes a diverse set of social and political…
| 2,172 words
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Full text Article Lesbian and gay rights movement, United States

From The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality
gay homophobia lesbian same‐sex marriage The lesbian and gay rights movement, United States, gives an overview of the movement from 1970 to the present. It considers origins, developments, and anti‐gay backlash as it examines the movement from three perspectives: sexual freedom, politics, and ideas. …
| 3,940 words
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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies are interlinked fields of critical theory that address a very wide range of issues around these minorities. In order to understand the development of this field and the activism it accompanies, it is necessary to understand the history of its…
| 4,339 words
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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues run the gamut of social concerns, from equality before the law to personal safety to the right to participate openly in the institutions of society. There is much debate about whether homosexuality and other alternative sexual identities are innate or…
| 5,453 words , 3 images
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Full text Article Queer Families

From The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies
family fluidity heterosexual identity LGBTQ LGBTQ parenting LGBTQ rights parenting queer queer parenting same‐sex couples…
| 1,867 words
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Full text Article Adoption, GLBT

From The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies
adoption family family law homosexuality parenting policy Abstract Efforts to expand the benefits that are afforded to opposite‐sex couples to same‐sex couples have seen progress in the areas of anti‐discrimination, relationship recognition, and parental rights. While a great deal of attention has…
| 3,287 words
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