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Definition: Marxism from Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable

The philosophical and political and economic theories or system propounded by Karl Marx (1818–83) and Friedrich Engels (1820–95), which formed the basis of communist dogma. It involved a materialist conception of history, a theory of class war, a belief in the ultimate destruction of capitalism and the formation of a classless society. See also communism; lenin; materialism.


From Encyclopedia of Global Religions
Perhaps no other modern idea has spread as quickly and as widely as the sociopolitical ideas of the 19th-century thinker Karl Marx (1818-1883). Any concept that draws on the discourse of Marx's teaching is considered Marxism. More specifically, Marxism entails a critique of the political economy from a proletarian point of view, where seemingly natural underpinnings of inequality can be interpreted through the concepts of exploitation, alienation, and profit seeking. Although the globalization of Marxism was largely a late-19th-century and 20th-century phenomenon, the impact of this type of ideological reasoning has served to create enormous changes in the world's economic systems and poses challenges to the social structures developed through the capitalist mode of production. The ideas within Marxism have incited wars, transformed ways of living, inspired intellectual revolutions, and formed political alliances that still remain in the second decade of the 21st century. Karl Heinrich…
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From Political Philosophy A-Z
Ideology that takes its roots from Karl Marx , though he famously declared that he was not a Marxist. Marxism incorporates both a political movement centred on the working class that strives for an end to class oppression and injustice, an explanatory perspective on the social world, and a normative…
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
Karl Marx famously declared that he was not a Marxist, and it is arguable that there is an inherent tension between his ideas and the movements that arose in his name. Marx never saw a Marxist movement seize power during his lifetime. The relationship between Marx's theory and the Russian Revolution…
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From Philip's Encyclopedia
School of socialism that arose in 19th-century Europe as a response to the growth of industrial capitalism . It is named after Karl Marx . According to Marxism, a communist society was historically inevitable. Capitalism, because of its emphasis on profits, would eventually so reduce the condition…
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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
economic and political philosophy named for Karl Marx . It is also known as scientific (as opposed to utopian) socialism. Marxism has had a profound impact on contemporary culture; modern communism is based on it, and most modern socialist theories derive from it (see socialism ). It has also had…
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From Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
The ghost of Karl Marx continues to hover over arguments between the left and right in America, particularly when the debate focuses on economic disparities. Between the end of World War II in 1945 and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the conflict between the two superpowers, the United States and…
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From Collins Dictionary of Sociology
the total body of mainly theoretical work which aims to develop, amend or revise the original work of MARX by practitioners who identify themselves with the term. The term Marxist can be applied to such work or authors, but sometimes has a connotation of political commitment or activity which not…
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From The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism
If, as Marshall Berman maintains, ‘modernism’ is the name for the intellectual and imaginative response to the processes of modernisation and the experience of MODERNITY , then Marxism may be the exemplary modernist movement and, with a lineage stretching back to the 1840s, it is certainly the…
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Marxism is the intellectual and political movement founded by Karl Marx (1818-83). The socialist and communist movements, which seek to bring about economic equality and a fairer distribution of wealth, antedated Marx, but he gave them a sense of intellectual coherence in his major works (some…
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
the philosophy of Karl Marx, or any of several systems of thought or approaches to social criticism derived from Marx. The term is also applied, incorrectly, to certain sociopolitical structures created by dominant Communist parties during the mid-twentieth century. Marx himself, apprised of the…
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From Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought
Marxism has two distinct parts: theoretical, and practical. Theoretically it involves adherence to the ideas of Marx , together with a political commitment to proletarian revolution of the kind described and foretold by Marx. Practically, it involves Marxist praxis , within the context of a…
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