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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In music, a recognizable series of notes of different pitches played or sung one after the other. It could also be described as the tune. Melody is one of the three main elements of music, along with rhythm and harmony . In Western music a melody is usually formed from the notes of a scale or mode . A melody, with or without accompaniment , may be a complete piece on its own – such as a simple song. In classical music it is more often used as a theme within a longer piece of music. Melodic structure Melody is often seen as an element in music that is distinct from harmony and rhythm. However, in Western music the three are mostly interdependent. For example, phrases within a melody can often be analysed as a series of notes that imply chords, and thus a harmonic structure; and rhythmic ideas (or motifs) may help to shape the structure of the melody. Other factors, such as the ascending or descending phrases, or the width of intervals between notes in the melody, can greatly change its…
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Full text Article melody

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In music, a recognizable series of notes of different pitches played or sung one after the other. It could also be described as the tune. Melody is one of the three main elements of music, along with rhythm and harmony . In Western music a melody is usually formed from the notes of a scale or mode . …
| 467 words
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Full text Article melody

From The New Penguin Dictionary of Music
Term whose meaning seems closely familiar but recedes at any attempt to define it, largely because it is both a neutral, abstract element and a label of approval, to be granted or withheld; hence the distinct adjectival forms MELODIC and MELODIOUS . What makes music melodious is personal judgement, …
| 277 words
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Full text Article Melody type

From The Harvard Dictionary of Music
The shared features or underlying pattern of a group of melodies regarded as resembling one another in consistent ways. The concept has been employed principally with respect to repertories transmitted anonymously and often orally and to musics in which the essential creative act lies with the…
| 223 words
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Full text Article melody

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
succession of single tones of varying pitch. Melody is the linear aspect of music, in contrast to harmony, the chordal aspect, which results from the simultaneous sounding of tones. Melody must be considered with rhythm ; they are the two necessary elements to music. Melody by itself, i.e., …
| 120 words
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Full text Article Moore's Melodies

From Irish History: People, Places and Events that Built Ireland
Moore's Melodies
The early nineteenth century in Britain saw an upsurge of popular interest in Irish music - a cultural change epitomized in the Irish Melodies , which were published in ten volumes beginning in 1808. The Melodies were the work of the singer, balladeer, and poet Thomas Moore, who was born in 1779…
| 204 words , 1 image
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Full text Article melody

From The Chambers Dictionary
an air or tune; music; an agreeable succession of single musical sounds, as distinguished from harmony . [Fr, through LL, from Gr…
| 104 words
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Full text Article Spann-Cooper, Melody

From A to Z of Women: American Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Also known as: Melody Spann (b. 1964–) businesswoman As chairman of Midway Broadcasting Corporation, the parent company of two Chicago radio stations, Melody Spann-Cooper was one of a few black media owners in the United States in the early 2000s and the only one to own a radio station in Chicago, …
| 1,303 words
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Full text Article The Elements of Music – Melody

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
What makes a good tune? Another word for melody is of course ‘the tune’. There are lots of things to consider when thinking about melodies. Melodic characteristics We can define three main characteristics of any melody: its shape , range , and the way it moves . shape The thing that gives a melody…
| 732 words
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Full text Article melody

From The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language
A pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds. Musical quality: the melody of verse. Music a. A rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea. b. Structure with respect to the arrangement of single notes in succession. c. The…
| 113 words
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Full text Article Irish Melodies

From Brewer's Dictionary of Irish Phrase and Fable
A series of song lyrics by Tom MOORE , published in ten volumes between 1808 and 1824. They were composed with known Irish tunes in mind; these had been recorded by Edward BUNTING (1773-1843) at the BELFAST HARP FESTIVAL and had suffered a certain amount of prettification at his hands. Moore's…
| 257 words
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