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Definition: Multinational Corporation from The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences

A corporation that has offices, buildings, property, and/or resources in at least one country other than its originating country. Multinational corporations that have several facilities in several countries will usually have budgets that are much higher than those of many small countries. Some people view multinational corporations negatively because they believe that they have political influence in some governments and take advantage of developing nations, along with increasing the rate of job losses in their home countries. These corporations are often the result of deregulation and globalization.

See also

Corporation, Deregulation (political science), Globalization (political science)

Multinational Corporation

From Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World
Multinational, international, global, or transnational corporations are those that operate in more than one country—not simply exporting goods from one country to another, but offering services in multiple countries or operating production facilities in more than one country. Because the demands of their businesses require them to operate under different conditions within different borders—abiding by local laws and serving different customer bases—their profits and productivity are affected by international matters to a greater degree than those of single-nation companies. Combined with their generally greater wealth, this has tended to involve them in international politics and to make them objects of suspicion. In popular speech, "the corporations" generally implies "the multinational corporations," and especially those that export cultural products from the United States or the West to the rest of the world, or those that control great amounts of natural resources, like the oil…
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Full text Article multinational corporation

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
business enterprise with manufacturing, sales, or service subsidiaries in one or more foreign countries, also known as a transnational or international corporation. These corporations originated early in the 20th cent. and proliferated after World War II. Typically, a multinational corporation…
| 172 words
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Full text Article multinational corporation

From Encyclopedia of American Business History
A business enterprise having substantial operations in several countries. Rather than simply sell its goods or services from home, acting purely as an exporter, multinationals set up manufacturing and distribution facilities in other countries in order to have greater access to the foreign market. …
| 544 words
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Full text Article multinational corporation

From Routledge Dictionary of Economics
An international firm that produces goods or services in several countries, without being concentrated in a single country, Although the term first became popular in the 1960s, by the late nineteenth century several US, UK and Dutch firms had acquired such characteristics. The advantages of…
| 372 words
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a company which operates from a home base in one country with subsidiaries in others. The term transnational company has increasingly been preferred to describe large international corporations since they may not have an easily identifiable home base. World economy and trade is increasingly…
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Full text Article multinational corporation

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Full text Article multinational corporation

From The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin
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From Webster's New World Finance and Investment Dictionary
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Full text Article multinational corporation

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
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Full text Article multinational corporation

From BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource
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Full text Article multinational corporation

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