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From Encyclopedia of Global Health
Securing adequate food supplies and necessary nutrition is a global concern. The production, distribution, and consumption of food are matters that concern governments, corporations, and individuals everywhere. The enormous growth in the population of the world, from about 3 billion people to over 6 billion between the end of World War II and the end of the century has captured the attention of many scientists. The projection that by 2050 there may be twelve billion people in the world raises the need for nutrition to high levels of concern. To feed adequately the billions of people currently living and soon to be born means that whole resources are needed to supply the food people need. Today, there are many issues dealing with food facing the world. In vast areas of the world, large numbers of people are malnourished. This is especially the case in the southern hemisphere. However, in contrast, in an increasing number of countries, mainly in the northern hemisphere, the larger issue…
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Full text Article Nutrition

From New Harvard Guide to Women's Health, The
For thousands of years people have recognized that the foods they eat affect their health and well-being. From graham crackers to castor oil to oat bran, various foods have been touted by healers, grandmothers, religious zealots, and nutritionists as the keys to good health, long life, and freedom…
| 4,280 words
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Reductionism has driven the subject matter of both biochemistry and nutrition to the level of the molecule, its interactions in the widest sense and its metabolic fate. The idea that a true understanding of the basic components of the system, in this case the chemical substances, themselves can…
| 1,282 words
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Full text Article Nutrition and Health

From Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology: Health and Illness in the World's Cultures
INTRODUCTION Patterns of diet and activity, and nutritional and health status vary across cultures and historical periods. For example, currently there are populations living as hunter-gatherers and also groups subsisting on diets high in fat and refined carbohydrates. The nutrition and health…
| 4,722 words
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Full text Article Nutrition

From Encyclopedia of Women's Health
Nutrition is the sum of the processes involved in consuming food and assimilating and utilizing it. Nutrition is concerned with all the nutrients that are needed to build sound bodies and promote health such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. Good nutrition…
| 1,270 words
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Full text Article Nutrition

From Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid (Illustration by...
Nutrition is the sum of all the processes by which food enters and is utilized by the body. Nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Fiber in foods is not a nutrient in the strict sense but helps to prevent disease and control weight. The human body absorbs many…
| 4,418 words , 7 images
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Full text Article nutrition

From Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Adequate nutrition is required for survival and successful reproduction. However, there is great variety in human dietary patterns. The saying ‘Man ist was man ißt’ (man is what one eats) can be construed both to refer to the chemical composition of the body as the product of flows of nutrients and…
| 1,409 words
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Full text Article Nutrition

From Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
Sugar content of various foods.
Nutrition is the sum of all the processes by which food enters and is utilized by the body. Nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Fiber in foods is not a nutrient in the strict sense but helps to prevent disease and control weight. The human body absorbs many…
| 4,134 words , 1 image

Full text Article Nutrition

From The Encyclopedia of Aging
Relationship between aging and...
The nutrition care goals for the older adult population are to improve or maintain health and quality of life, as well as to prevent or treat age- and nutrition-related problems by improving the nutritional status of individuals and population groups. Nutritional status is defined as “the condition…
| 5,022 words , 1 image
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Full text Article Nutrition

From Worldmark Global Health and Medicine Issues
SOURCE: Adapted from 
“Global Child Malnutrition...
An analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 published in 2012 by S. S. Lim and colleagues in The Lancet showed that 10 percent of global disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)—a measure of the number of years lost as a result of disease, disability, or death—in 2010 were accounted for by…
| 5,344 words , 5 images
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Full text Article Nutrition

From Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy Through Adolescence
(U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
The food chart,...
Nutrition is the sum of all the processes by which food enters and is utilized by the body. Nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Fiber in foods helps prevent disease and control weight. Nutrition is essential to life. It is required for growth and…
| 2,521 words , 1 image
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