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oral history

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
compilation of historical data through interviews, usually tape-recorded and sometimes videotaped, with participants in, or observers of, significant events or times. Primitive societies have long relied on oral tradition to preserve a record of the past in the absence of written histories. In Western society, the use of oral material goes back to the early Greek historians Herodotus (in his history of the Persian Wars) and Thucydides (in his History of the Peloponnesian War ), both of whom made extensive use of oral reports from witnesses. The modern concept of oral history was developed in the 1940s by Allan Nevins and his associates at Columbia Univ. In creating oral histories, interviews are conducted to obtain information from different perspectives, many of which are often unavailable from written sources. Such materials provide data on individuals, families, important events, or day-to-day life. The discipline came into its own in the 1960s and early 70s when inexpensive tape…
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Oral culture is culture based on the spoken rather than the written word; oral history is a record of the past based on spoken accounts. The enabling insights leading to wide-ranging and spectacularly fruitful new developments in the study of oral cultures originated, paradoxically enough, in…
| 1,795 words
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Full text Article oral history

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
compilation of historical data through interviews, usually tape-recorded and sometimes videotaped, with participants in, or observers of, significant events or times. Primitive societies have long relied on oral tradition to preserve a record of the past in the absence of written histories. In…
| 328 words
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Full text Article Oral History

From International Encyclopedia of Human Geography
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Glossary Archive A repository holding information and data about past events and people but often organized, stylized, and presented according to the motivations, aspirations, resourcing, and politics of the archivist. Cartesian memory The assumption that…
| 4,074 words
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Within oral history circles, a burning issue persists. This is the question of how a method whose purpose is to give voice to people out of the mainstream of history can ensure that its practice matches this ideal. Is it possible to work in partnership so that the narrators are not alienated from…
| 818 words
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An example from research into family change is used here to show how a reminiscence and life review perspective can be helpful in the interpretation of oral history interviews. Recent research into family change, using oral history interviews with people of all ages, focused on the impact of family…
| 994 words
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Reminiscence and oral history have, in the UK at least, shared common goals and in many respects have a shared heritage. Since the 1960s, many of those involved in the development of these two areas of activity have been similarly motivated to challenge orthodoxies, to reverse roles and to empower…
| 157 words
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Full text Article ORAL/LIFE HISTORY

From Dictionary of Leisure Studies
This is a method of research and documentation used primarily within the study of history and anthropology and it is based upon either individual or collective verbal accounts that usually have been collected via interviews. The oral and life history approach involves a researcher asking his or her…
| 348 words
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How people’s words are used and the extent to which they are able to determine their further use is an issue which has been subjected to much debate within oral history. The idea of ‘shared authority’ in relation to community-based projects and publications has already been mentioned (Frisch, 1990). …
| 533 words
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This May 5, 1968, photograph shows what...
✣Key Facts Conflict: Vietnam War Time Period: Mid-20th Century Genre: History OVERVIEW In Bloods: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Soldiers (1984) , twenty African American service-men reflect on their roles in the Vietnam War and trace the conflict's lasting effects on their lives. …
| 2,485 words , 2 images
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Full text Article oral history

From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary
| 34 words
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