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Definition: Ra from Philip's Encyclopedia

(Re) In Egyptian mythology, Sun god of Heliopolis and lord of the dead. He sailed his sun boat across the sky by day, and through the underworld by night. He is most often depicted as falcon-headed, with a solar disc on his head.


From Encyclopedia of African Religion
In Maatian or ancient Egyptian theology, Ra (Re) is the Creator and has many names, manifestations, and forms according to the sacred texts, beginning with the earliest discourse on Ra in the Pyramid Texts (PT). In the Pyramid and Coffin Texts (Book of Vindication [BOV]), Ra also has the names Ra-Atum, Atum, Ra Kheper, or Kheperra and Kheper. In the BOV, Ra says, “I am Ra—I am Atum” and “I am Atum in his name Ra.” In the Pyramid Texts, it says of Atum, “You develop in this your identity (name) of Kheper.” The names Atum and Kheper represent different aspects of Ra. Atum means totality and completeness, one who is complete and one who completes. Thus, he is called “Lord to the Limit (nb-r-dr)” and “Lord of totality” or “Lord of All (nb-tm).” Kheper, which means becoming, coming into being, or bringing into being, represents the infinite developmental and creative aspects of Ra. Also, in the Pyramid Texts, Ra as Atum is praised in this way: “Homage to you, Atum. Homage to you, Kheper, …
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Full text Article Ra Re (Egypt)

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities
Also known as: Atchet (his female aspect), Atum, Khepra, Phra . God of the sun. King of gods and mortals. In the beginning, Ra was alone, embraced by Nun, the primeval waters, protected only by a lotus. He impregnated himself and bore the air, Shu, and the moisture, Tefnut, by spitting them out of…
| 418 words
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Full text Article Amon, Egyptian deity

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
| 107 words
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Full text Article Ra, in Egyptian religion

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
(rä) or Re (rā), in Egyptian religion , sun god, one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. Ra was chief of the cosmic deities and was sometimes called the creator and father of all things. Early Egyptian kings alleged descent from him and added his name to their own royal titles. Ra had…
| 110 words
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Full text Article Ament (Egypt)

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities
see Aai and Amentet. Also known as: Amenet, Ament-ra, Amentet; Amenti, Amonet, Amunet, Iment . Goddess of the Underworld. Earth Mother. Originally from Libya, Ament was said to live in a tree near the World Gates. Her name means “hidden” from the word Amenti. Amentet, also called Amenti, Ker-neter, …
| 276 words
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Full text Article Amentet (Egypt)

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities
Also known as: Amenthes, Amenti, Ker-neter, Tan, The West. The Underworld. The Egyptian meaning for Amentet is “hidden place.” In Plutarch's account of the introduction of the deity Sinope into Egypt, he used the word Amenthes as a “subterraneous region.” In Egyptian mythology, Amentet is where the…
| 156 words

Full text Article Egyptian religion

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
System of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices, originating in the worship of totemic animals, representing the ancestors of the clan, and later superimposed with the abstract theology of a priestly caste, who retained suitable totems as the symbols or heads of gods with complex attributes. The…
| 1,518 words
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Full text Article Egyptian religion

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
the religious beliefs of the ancient inhabitants of Egypt. Information concerning ancient Egyptian religion is abundant but unsatisfactory. Only certain parts of Egyptian religious life and thought are known; whole periods remain in the dark. What we do know is that the religious beliefs of the…
| 1,643 words
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Full text Article Egypt, Ancient: Religion

From Encyclopedia of African History
In order to understand ancient Egyptian religion, it is important to take two points into account. The first is that ancient Egyptian religion was not separated from state affairs. Both religious and governmental fields were overseen by the king, who passed all matters onto his civil servants and…
| 1,172 words
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Full text Article Anubis (Egypt)

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities
Also known as: An-pu, Anpu, Am Ut, Hermanubis (Greek), Khent Sehet, Mercury (Roman), Sekhem Em Pet, Tep-tu-f . Underworld deity. Early god of the dead. God of the cemetery. Guardian God. God of the soul through the Land of the Shades. Director of embalming. Anubis, known as the jackal-headed god, …
| 384 words

Full text Article Apepi (Egypt)

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities
Also known as: Aaapef, Ap, Apap, Apep, Apophis, Pepi. Deity of darkness. Ruler of the underworld. Enemy of the sun. Apepi is the fiery, serpent-devil of mist, darkness, night and storms. In order to destroy him, it was necessary to curse him by every name he was known: Am, Aman, Amen, Beteshu, …
| 202 words
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