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Definition: solar energy from Philip's Encyclopedia

Heat and light from the Sun consisting of electromagnetic radiation, including heat (infrared rays), light and radio waves. About 35% of the energy reaching the Earth is absorbed; most is spent evaporating moisture into clouds, and some is converted into organic chemical energy by photosynthesis in plants. All forms of energy (except nuclear energy) on Earth come ultimately from the Sun. Solar cells are used to power instruments on spacecraft, and experiments are being conducted to store solar energy in liquids from which electricity can be generated.

Solar Energy

From Green Energy: An A-to-Z Guide
Solar energy refers to the energy that is created and radiated by Sol—the star at the center of the solar system—or, more significantly, the amount of that energy incident on the planet Earth. Solar energy not only is important for human technological efforts but is also the foundation for virtually all biological life on earth. Solar energy also refers to the processes by which light or heat from the sun is collected and converted to some usable form. Aside from geothermal energy, virtually every energy source commonly used by humans is directly or indirectly derived from solar energy. Historically, humans have relied on solar power for a wide number of applications. There are three general categories of solar energy systems in common use today: solar electric, solar thermal, and passive solar. The source of solar energy is the sun itself or, more specifically, the thermonuclear reactions that take place at the sun's core. Solar energy is the by-product of the nuclear fusion of…
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Full text Article solar energy

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
any form of energy radiated by the sun , including light, radio waves, and X rays, although the term usually refers to the visible light of the sun. Solar energy is needed by green plants for the process of photosynthesis , which is the ultimate source of all food. The energy in fossil fuels (e.g., …
| 361 words
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From The Macquarie Dictionary
energy derived from the sun, as for home heating, industrial use, etc. Solar energy has been used for more than 2000 years. From 400 BC, the buildings of Greek cities were oriented to take advantage of the sun in the winter while reducing exposure to summer heat. The Romans improved solar…
| 201 words
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Full text Article solar energy

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Energy derived from the light and heat from the Sun. The amount of energy falling on just 1 sq km/0.4 sq mi is about 4,000 megawatts, enough to heat and light a small town. Solar heaters usually consist of concave mirrors or reflective parabolic surfaces that concentrate the Sun's rays onto a black…
| 598 words
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Spectra for (A) black-body radiation...
1. Solar Energy Materials 2. Fundamental Optical Properties of Materials 3. Transmitting and Reflecting Materials 4. Thin Films 5. Transparent Thermal Insulators 6. Solar Thermal Converters 7. Radiation Cooling…
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In the Northern Hemisphere, the low...
1. Solar Architecture and Greenhouses 2. Solar Thermal Power 3. Solar Hot Water Heating 4. Photovoltaics Glossary solar architecture The conception, design, and construction of buildings and communities so as to utilize incoming solar radiation. solar cell A semiconductor material often made of…
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The use of solarenergy by passive means to reduce the heating demand of a building. This term was popularized by the 1st National Passive Solar Conference in Albuquerque, NM, US May 18-19, 1976. Solar energy is captured, stored and distributed by the building in contrast to active systems using…
| 260 words
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When a dark surface is placed in sunshine, it absorbs solar energy and heats up. A solar thermal collector working on this principle consists of a sun facing surface which transfers part of the energy to a working fluid such as water or air. To reduce heat losses to the atmosphere and to improve its…
| 164 words
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Distribution of U.S. process heat use by...
1. Solar Thermal Collection Systems 2. Solar Industrial Process Heat Overview 3. Examples of SIPH Systems 4. Design and Performance of SIPH Systems 5. Economics of SIPH Glossary concentrator A solar collector that uses optical methods to concentrate solar radiation before absorption. flat plate…
| 4,096 words , 5 images
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Full text Article solar energy

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
| 95 words
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Full text Article solar energy

From Dictionary of Energy
solar energy A so-called solar home obtaining...
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