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Definition: War of 1812 from Collins English Dictionary


1 a war between Great Britain and the US, fought chiefly along the Canadian border (1812–14)

War of 1812

From The Encyclopedia of War
The War of 1812 was rooted in Britain's wars with revolutionary and Napoleonic France. Unable to strike at one another directly, the British and French engaged in economic warfare via blockades and the interception of merchant vessels, including neutrals. Faced with British seizures of American shipping, the United States prepared for war by recreating its navy and beginning coastal fortifications in 1794, but John Jay's Treaty with Britain, ratified in 1796, resolved the commercial crisis, to the economic profit of both nations. Meanwhile, the rejuvenated US Army, under Anthony Wayne, defeated Indians supplied by the British at Fallen Timbers in northwest Ohio, leading Britain to withdraw its troops from US soil at Detroit, Oswego, and Niagara. The United States and Britain enjoyed a prosperous peace for a decade, while the US Navy established to fight Britain defeated French frigates and privateers attacking American vessels in the Caribbean between 1798 and 1800. Yet Napoleon's rise…
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From The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin
A war between Britain and the United States, fought between 1812 and 1815. The War of 1812 has also been called the second American war for independence. It began over alleged British violations of American shipping rights, such as the impressment of seamen — the forcing of American merchant sailors…
| 154 words
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From Encyclopedia of Intelligence & Counterintelligence
An engraving of the Battle of New Orleans, which...
In 1812, the United States was still a young nation struggling to establish an identity within its own borders as well as on the global scene. Because the country was so young, nationalism was still in its infancy, and many local citizens refused to support the American government in the War of…
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Full text Article War of 1812

From The Great American History Fact-Finder
A conflict between Great Britain and the United States, sometimes called “the second war for independence” and “Mr. Madison's war.” During the war between France and England starting in 1793, the British put blockades on European ports to restrict American merchant shipping with France. About 1807…
| 302 words
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From Philip's Encyclopedia
(1812-15) Conflict between the USA and Britain. The main source of friction was British maritime policy in the Napoleonic Wars , including the impressment of sailors from US vessels and the interception of US merchant ships. Border disputes with Canada also contributed. In 1811, President James…
| 190 words
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Full text Article War of 1812

From Encyclopedia of American Studies
A View of the Bombardment of Fort McHenry, near...
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Full text Article War of 1812

From Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
1812–1815 The War of 1812 pitted the United States against Great Britain. Though the United States suffered significant defeats, such as the British capture of Washington, D.C., and had few noteworthy military victories, especially early in the war, the War of 1812 is seen as having legitimized the…
| 1,149 words
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Full text Article War of 1812

From Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present Full text Article A-Z Entries
Conflict between the United States and Great Britain. The War of 1812 grew out of several issues. An enraged American public demanded action in response to the British navy's policy of impressment of American sailors. Americans on the frontier in the old northwest grew angry over Great Britain's…
| 1,123 words
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Full text Article War of 1812

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
U.S.-British conflict arising from U.S. grievances over oppressive British maritime practices in the Napoleonic Wars . To enforce its blockade of French ports, the British boarded U.S. and other neutral ships to check cargo they suspected was being sent to France and to impress seamen alleged to be…
| 269 words
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Full text Article War of 1812

From Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
Some items from the War of 1812, including a...
The War of 1812, which lasted from that year until 1815, was officially fought between the United States and Great Britain over Britain's allegedly unlawful treatment of U.S. merchant ships and seamen. More generally, however, the United States waged war on Britain in 1812 to assert its further…
| 2,377 words , 1 image
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Full text Article WAR OF 1812

From The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History
The War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain, also known as the Second Anglo-American War, originated in a conflict over American trade rights and neutrality. Great Britain's determination to prevent America from trading with France during the wars of the French Revolution (1792–1815) …
| 1,062 words
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