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From Key Concepts in Work
In a narrow sense, career refers to a long-term sequence of jobs or positions within an occupation or organization that usually entails movement up a status and salary hierarchy. In a broader sense, however, career is a description of a person's life history . DIFFERENT VIEWS OF CAREER As the first part of the above definition indicates, many people think of career in terms of a planned advancement through a series of jobs within an occupation or organization, with the outcome being movement up a hierarchical ladder. However, as the second part of the definition suggests, others take a much more encompassing view of career as denoting an entire ‘life history’ in which the different jobs that a person undertakes to make a living may or may not relate closely to one another. Thus, while the former view emphasizes a sequence of jobs differently positioned on a ladder of hierarchical status, the latter recognizes that, for many, their career will be characterized much more by a fragmented…
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
In commonsense usage, this is the progression of an individual through an occupation via a series of predefined institutional gateways which secure standing in the community , increasing levels of seniority within the occupation, and increasing levels of pay. The hierarchal structure of a university…
| 409 words
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Full text Article Career

From World of Sociology, Gale
A career in its most basic sense refers to the temporal progression of an individual through life or a distinct portion of life such as an educational career. A career can also be thought of more narrowly as an individual’s progression through a specific occupational sequence such as a medical…
| 863 words
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Full text Article Career

From Key Concepts in Education
To show all students how to aim at a career became a prime and proud function of schools throughout the wealthy parts of the Western world after the end of World War II. Until 1939, in a country with very different systems of production, British schools largely expected to disperse their pupils to…
| 695 words
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Full text Article career

From Collins Dictionary of Sociology
the sequence(s) ofprofessional or occupational positions in the life course of an individual. (by analogy with 1 ) any individual pattern or progression in a nonoccupational life course, e.g., the ‘deviant career’ of the drug user ( BECKER , 1953) or the MORAL CAREER of the mental patient ( GOFFMAN…
| 120 words
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Full text Article job

From Collins Dictionary of Economics
a work task or series of work tasks to be performed in order to produce a good or service. Jobs differ in terms of skills, physical fitness, personality, etc., requirements, and in terms of the decision-making autonomy and responsibilities involved. Some jobs involve a wide-ranging set of work tasks…
| 184 words
Key concepts:

Full text Article Work

From SAGE Key Concepts series: Key Concepts in Body and Society
Definition Work has two inter-related meanings. Work is an act, our physical (and/or mental) labour to produce something. Work also indicates a form of employment, the complex within which we perform that labour. In writing these words, my employment is as an academic and author, and I am…
| 1,636 words
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Full text Article Work

From Encyclopedia of Ethics
‘Work,’ any activity that produces services and products of value to others, is not synonymous with ‘occupation,’ a particular work activity and social role that one assumes on a regular basis. Nor is all work paid, as, for example, home child care. Yet ‘work’ as status and ‘work’ as activity are…
| 3,119 words
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Full text Article Work

From Key Concepts in Education
Work, the simplest, most all-encompassing value in our society has, as one would expect, a large and pervasive realm both in the ethics of daily school life, and in the specific zones of the curriculum . If, as suggested, the curriculum is thought of as distributed across the five main such ‘zones…
| 803 words
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Full text Article Work

From SAGE Key Concepts series: Key Concepts in Operations Management Full text Article Process Management
A context-based model of work design
Work design is concerned with the analysis of the interactions between worker, task, and the organisational environment. HUMAN CAPITAL AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT During the Industrial Revolution, a factory manager's role would have included human resource management. It was only in the 1920s that…
| 1,993 words , 1 image
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Full text Article work

From Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Whether seen as drudgery and humiliation or as honoured art, the work that humans do is a key site for understanding both material and cultural reproduction: how we survive and what it means to persist. The transformations which humans produce through work are read by anthropologists as distinct…
| 1,371 words
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