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Definition: y-chromosome from Philip's Encyclopedia

One of the two kinds of sex-determining chromosome; the other is the x-chromosome. Many male organisms have one x- and one y-chromosome in their diploid cell nuclei. Sperm cells contain either an x- or y-chromosome, and since female ova (egg cells) always contain an x-chromosome, the resulting offspring is either XY (male) or XX (female). The y-chromosome is smaller than the x- and contains fewer genes. See also genetics; heredity

Y chromosome

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Smaller of the two sex chromosomes . In male mammals it occurs paired with the other type of sex chromosome (X), which carries far more genes . The Y chromosome is the smallest of all the mammalian chromosomes and is considered to be largely inert (that is, without direct effect on the physical body), apart from containing the genes that control the development of the testes. There are only 20 genes discovered so far on the human Y chromosome, far fewer than on all other human chromosomes. In humans, whether a person is male or female is determined by the presence or absence of a sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome known as SRY ( sex determination ). Thus, embryos with two X chromosomes (XX) will normally develop as females, while those with one X and one Y chromosome (XY) will normally develop as males. As a result of meiosis gametes from a female each contain one X chromosome. However, gametes from a male are of two kinds. Half of the gametes contain an X chromosome and half…
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Full text Article Y chromosome

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Smaller of the two sex chromosomes . In male mammals it occurs paired with the other type of sex chromosome (X), which carries far more genes . The Y chromosome is the smallest of all the mammalian chromosomes and is considered to be largely inert (that is, without direct effect on the physical…
| 613 words
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Full text Article Y Chromosome (Human)

From Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics
Y Chromosome (Human)
Abstract The human Y chromosome has a key role that dominates its structure, function, and diverse uses: determination of male sex by the SRY gene it carries. As a result, it is distinct from all other human chromosomes in lacking recombination and being haploid over most of its length. Long-term…
| 2,789 words , 2 images
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Full text Article Y Chromosome Evolution

From Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics
Mitotic metaphases of most studied...
Abstract Sexuality is an important factor in evolution that is largely responsible for genetic variation. Sex germline is usually determined early in animal development. Sex evolved many times in evolution in independent pathways. There are several different mechanisms that are responsible for…
| 2,895 words , 2 images
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Full text Article sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY)

From Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
Among the very few genes which have been mapped specifically to the Y chromosome .SRY is a testis-determining transcription factor located on the pseudoautosomal region .The SRY gene product occurs in male gonadal tissue at the time of sex determination; in humans this is about the sixth week of…
| 155 words
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Full text Article Y chromosome ‡

From Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
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Full text Article y-chromosome

From Philip's Encyclopedia
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Full text Article Y chromosome genes

From Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
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From Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
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Full text Article Y chromosome

From Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary
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The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The Y chromosome can be lost through the process of aging, and this can lead to an increased risk of heart failure and cardiovascular disease, according to a recent study my colleagues and I published in the journal Science. While…
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