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Cognitive development

From The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science
The term cognitive development refers to age changes in the ability to acquire, manipulate, or reason about information in particular contexts. When the intellectual capacities of at least two age groups are compared and the oldest group has not yet reached middle age, changes in performance are usually for the better, in the sense that they reflect improvements of one kind or another (e.g., those in the older group recall more information; those in the older group draw more appropriate inferences). It is not possible to summarize all of the details of what is known about cognitive development in a single brief article. Readers interested in more comprehensive treatments should consult sources such as Byrnes (2008), Bjorklund (2004), or Siegler and Alibali (2004). In the present overview, some general age trends in the structural and functional aspects of cognition are presented in order to provide a sense of the kinds of important and influential changes that occur. In a structural…
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chromosomes Every human cell nucleus contains...
Cognitive development is the sequence of change in human thinking occurring over time. The study of cognitive development has traditionally focused on the time period from infancy to adulthood. Several influential perspectives have emerged. One of the most dominant perspectives has been the…
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From Key Concepts in Developmental Psychology
Cognition refers to knowing, and cognitive development to the acquisition of knowledge in childhood. Included here are such processes as perception, remembering, classifying, understanding, reasoning, thinking, problem solving, conceptualizing, classifying and planning – in short, all those…
| 285 words
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Full text Article Cognitive Development

From Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy Through Adolescence
Illustration showing four stages of cognitive...
Cognitive development is the development of thought processes, such as remembering, problem solving, and decision making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Historically, the cognitive development of children has been studied in a variety of ways. The oldest approach is through…
| 1,925 words , 2 images
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Full text Article Cognitive Development

From Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
Cognitive development SOURCE: Miller-Keane...
Cognitive development refers to the development of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Cognitive development is an area of study in neuroscience and cognitive psychology that focuses on conceptual resources…
| 1,510 words , 1 image
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Full text Article Cognitive Development

From Encyclopedia of Special Education: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals
Cognitive development consists of numerous overlapping conceptual and theoretical processes involving changes that occur in mental capacity and facility between birth and death. Cognition, the product of cognitive development, refers to mental processes by which individuals acquire knowledge. …
| 3,842 words
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Full text Article Cognitive Development Theory

From The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies
child cognitive development cognitive processes family learning schemes stages of development Abstract Cognitive development theory addresses the manner of growth and change in the intellectual processing functions of children, such as individual growth in perception, thought, and understanding of…
| 2,379 words
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Full text Article Culture and Cognitive Development

From Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science
Although it is widely believed that culture is fundamental to cognitive development, theoretical and empirical advances are impeded by severe methodological problems which render firm conclusions elusive . Controversies over the relationship between culture and cognition began well before the…
| 3,799 words
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Andrew lives his life certain that for every situation there is a “right way” and a “wrong way” to view it. He sees the world in absolutes. According to Andrew, the taking of a human life for any reason is wrong. Hence, he is against such things as capital punishment, abortion, and assisted suicide. …
| 12,407 words
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Computational models of cognitive development are formal models of the information processing, and changes in information processing, that take place during cognitive development. They are generally implemented as running computer simulations. They are tools for exploring mechanisms of transition…
| 4,636 words
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Compared to other mammals, human beings are born with relatively immature brains; moreover, physical development continues even after brain development has essentially completed. These facts raise the question of how the intellectual functions characteristic of the human adult arise in the first…
| 1,835 words
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