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Definition: Conscientious objector from Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase and Fable

A person who objects to serving in the armed forces on grounds of conscience. The expression in this sense dates from the First World War. Colloquial names for a conscientious objector are 'CO' or (sometimes disparagingly) 'conchie' ('conchy').

conscientious objector

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
person who, on the grounds of conscience, resists the authority of the state to compel military service. Such resistance, emerging in time of war, may be based on membership in a pacifistic religious sect, such as the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Dukhobors , or Jehovah's Witnesses , or on personal religious or humanitarian convictions. Political opposition to the particular aim of conscription, such as that maintained by the Copperheads during the Civil War, by radical groups during World War I and, to a more limited extent, during World War II, and by large numbers during the Vietnam War, is usually considered in a separate category. The problem of conscientious objectors, although present in different forms since the beginning of the Christian era, became acute in World Wars I and II because of the urgent demands for manpower of the warring governments. The United States and Great Britain allowed members of recognized pacifistic religious groups to substitute for combat service: …
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From Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics
One of, if not the most momentous decisions a nation enters into is the decision to go to war. In a diverse nation such as the United States, where there are many different religions, the state must be wary of compelling citizens to engage in acts forbidden by their faiths. One such potential area…
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From Encyclopedia of Religion and the Law in America
A person who is opposed to all war regardless of its cause based on his or her religious training and moral belief is a conscientious objector. Conscientious objection is a widely respected religious practice recognized by such diverse traditions as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism. …
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From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
One who opposes participation in military service, on the basis of religious, philosophical, or political belief. A feature of Western society since the beginning of the Christian era, conscientious objection developed as a doctrine of the Mennonite s (16th century), the Society of Friends (17th…
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
person who, on the grounds of conscience, resists the authority of the state to compel military service. Such resistance, emerging in time of war, may be based on membership in a pacifistic religious sect, such as the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Dukhobors , or Jehovah's Witnesses , or on…
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Person refusing compulsory service, usually military, on moral, religious, or political grounds. During World War I, such objections were considered by tribunals, and some objectors were given total exemption; others were directed to other work of national importance or were placed in non-combatant…
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Full text Article Conscientious objector

From Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase and Fable
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From The Macquarie Dictionary
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From Collins English Dictionary
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Full text Article conscientious objector

From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary
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