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Definition: Hand from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary

(Billings) Learned Hand 1872–1961 Am. jurist


From The Columbia Encyclopedia
terminal part of the forelimb in primates. The human hand consists of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and thumb. In humans and other primates, the thumb is opposable, i.e., it can be moved into a position opposite to the other four digits. Opposable thumbs make possible precise movements such as grasping small objects. In vertebrates other than humans, the primary function of the hand is locomotion; the human hand, due to the evolutionary development of bipedalism, is freed for manipulative tasks. There are 27 bones in the human hand. The wrist, which joins the hand to the forearm, contains eight cubelike bones arranged in two rows of four bones each. The metacarpus, or palm, is composed of five long metacarpal bones. Fourteen phalangeal bones constitute the four fingers and thumb (three in each finger, two in the thumb). Ligaments interconnect the bones of the hand. The bones of the digits are anchored to muscles in the hand and to muscles in the arms and shoulders, through connections…
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From The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms
In addition to the idioms beginning with hand , also see at first hand ; at hand ; at second hand ; at the hand of ; back of one's hand ; bare hands ; bird in the hand ; bite the hand that feeds you ; …
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From The Macquarie Dictionary
(in humans) the terminal, prehensile part of the arm, consisting of the palm and five digits. Plural: hands the corresponding part of the forelimb in any of the higher vertebrates. Plural: hands the terminal part of any limb when prehensile, as the hind foot of a monkey, the chela of a crustacean, …
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From The Chambers Dictionary
(in humans) the extremity of the arm below the wrist; any corresponding member in the higher vertebrates; the forefoot of a quadruped; the extremity of the hind limb when it is prehensile; a pointer or index; a measure of four inches; a division of a bunch of bananas; side, direction, quarter; a…
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From Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
A symbol of fortitude in Egypt and of fidelity in Rome. Two hands symbolize concord. zeno of elea represented dialectics by a closed hand and eloquence by an open hand. In early art, the Deity was frequently represented by a hand extended from the clouds, with rays issuing from the fingers, but…
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From Collins English Dictionary
n 1 a the prehensile part of the body at the end of the arm, consisting of a thumb, four fingers, and a palm b the bones of this part. Related adjective: manual 2 the corresponding or similar part in animals 3 something resembling this in shape or function 4 a the cards dealt to one or all players…
| 845 words
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From The American Heritage(R) Dictionary of the English Language
hand A. phalanges B. metacarpals C. carpals Carlyn...
a. The terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used for grasping and holding and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and an opposable thumb. b. A homologous or similar part in other animals, as the terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates. A unit of length…
| 1,055 words , 1 image
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From Collins English Dictionary
pl n 1 power or keeping: your welfare is in his hands 2 Also called: handling soccer the infringement of touching the ball with any part of the hand or arm 3 change hands to pass from the possession of one person or group to another 4 clean hands freedom from guilt 5 hands down without effort; …
| 253 words
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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
terminal part of the forelimb in primates. The human hand consists of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and thumb. In humans and other primates, the thumb is opposable, i.e., it can be moved into a position opposite to the other four digits. Opposable thumbs make possible precise movements such as…
| 199 words
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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
In primates, one of a pair of structures at the ends of the two arms, each having four fingers, a thumb, and a palm. Primates, especially humans, are unique among animals in having a thumb that can make contact with all the fingers, allowing them to grip objects. Bones The skeleton of the human hand…
| 288 words
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From American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus
applause. Approval expressed by clapping: applause , ovation , plaudit Positive: praise help. The act or an instance of helping: abetment , aid , assist , assistance , help , relief , …
| 321 words
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