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Imperial Conference

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
assembly of representatives of the self-governing members of the British Empire, held about every four years until World War II. The meetings prior to 1911—in 1887, 1897, 1902, and 1907—were known as Colonial Conferences, and were chiefly concerned with defense problems and the possibility of imperial tariff preference. Relatively informal, they were held when colonial representatives came to Great Britain for royal celebrations. More formalized meetings were held in 1907, 1911, 1917–18, 1921, 1923, 1926, 1930, 1936, and 1937. The conferences were designed to strengthen imperial ties by exchange of ideas, but their decisions had no legal effect. The two main focal points of discussion remained defense and economic policy. In 1917–18 the Imperial War Conference acknowledged the importance of the whole empire in defense policy by admitting India, not yet self-governing, to the conference. There was an acknowledged need on the part of Britain for practical support from the dominions in…
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Full text Article Imperial Conference

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
assembly of representatives of the self-governing members of the British Empire, held about every four years until World War II. The meetings prior to 1911—in 1887, 1897, 1902, and 1907—were known as Colonial Conferences, and were chiefly concerned with defense problems and the possibility of…
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Full text Article Imperial Conference

From Brewer's Dictionary of Modern Phrase and Fable
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Full text Article Imperial

From Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
From the Latin imperialis (from imperium ), meaning ‘pertaining to an emperor or empire’. The following are some of the word's special and particular applications: Before metrication, a standard size of printing and writing paper measuring 22 x 30in (559 x 762mm) An 18th-century Russian gold coin, …
| 232 words
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Full text Article governor-general

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Representative of the British government in a Commonwealth country that regards the British sovereign as head of state. The first Commonwealth country to receive such a representative was Canada in 1929. In almost all Commonwealth countries the governor-general is now a citizen of that country. The…
| 181 words
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Full text Article Imperial Conferences

From Chambers Dictionary of World History
The consultative arrangements devised in 1907 by which the British and Dominion governments met on a regular basis. A permanent secretariat was established and meetings at four-year intervals were organized. The Canadian Prime Minister, Sir Wilfred Laurier , was suspicious of both the title and its…
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Full text Article imperial

From The Chambers Dictionary
relating to, or of the nature of, an empire or emperor; sovereign, supreme; commanding, imperious, august; (of products, etc) of superior quality or size. n an emperor or empress or a member of an imperial family; a supporter of an emperor; a small beard or tuft of hair under the lower lip as…
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Full text Article Bennett, Richard Bedford

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Canadian Conservative politician, prime minister 1930–35. He was minister of finance in 1926. In the election of 1935 he was heavily defeated because of his failure to cope with the effects of the economic depression. He was succeeded as premier by Mackenzie King . Bennett graduated in law from…
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Full text Article Bennett, Richard Bedford

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
1870–1947, Canadian prime minister, b. Hopewell, N.B. In 1927 he succeeded Arthur Meighen as leader of the Conservative party; upon the defeat of the Liberals in 1930, he became prime minister. At the imperial conference in London in 1930, he strongly urged a preferential tariff for the empire; at…
| 160 words
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Full text Article Colonial and Imperial Conferences

From Chambers Dictionary of World History
A series of conferences at which representatives of the British colonies and dominions discussed matters of common imperial concern; usually held in London. The first Colonial Conference was held in 1887, and this was followed by others in 1894, 1897, 1902 and 1907. They were particularly concerned…
| 129 words
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Full text Article Westminster, statute of, 1931.

From The Oxford Companion to British History
The immediate cause of the statute was the complaint of Mackenzie King, prime minister of Canada, that the governor-general had acted unconstitutionally in 1926 in refusing him a dissolution. This led the imperial conference of that year to discuss constitutional relationships. *Balfour , …
| 170 words
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