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Internet Addiction

From Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
It is estimated that more than 210 million Americans access the Internet on a regular basis, making the United States by far the top World Wide Web user in the world. Specialists estimate that between 6% and 14% of Internet users in the United States have a destructive dependency on the Web and that the vast majority of these people do not realize they have a problem. Internet addiction has been formally recognized as a disorder by the American Psychological Association, although it is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). The term Internet addiction disorder (IAD) first made headlines in 1995 when psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg posted a parody online spoofing the DSM-IV by using the criteria for pathological gambling and calling it “Internet Addiction Disorder.” At the time, spending excessive time online was not considered a disorder, disease, or addiction, but soon Goldberg realized his joke was a lot more…
352 results

Full text Article Am I addicted to the Internet?

From Ask Harvard Medical School Video Series
Main Subject: Addiction Question: Can you really get addicted to the Internet? Keywords: Prevention, Family and personal Speaker: Dr. Michael Miller Transcript: So is the internet itself addictive? On its own, it's probably not. But the activities and information you can find on the internet can be…
| 314 words
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Full text Article Social Media and Youth

From The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society
community mapping crisis mapping GIS global development ICT4D location based services participatory GIS Abstract This entry examines young people's experience of social media. While the term “social media” often refers to a more restrictive range of internet based platforms, a broader understanding…
| 6,278 words
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Full text Article Online Games, Addiction and Overuse of

From The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society
excessive gaming gaming addiction gaming addiction treatment problematic video game use video game addiction video games Abstract Online gaming addiction is a topic of increasing research interest. Since the early 2000s, there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical studies…
| 3,941 words
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Full text Article Internet Addiction Disorder

From Human Diseases and Conditions
William Perugini/ Mobile phones...
Internet addiction disorder, also called problematic Internet use or PIU, refers to a compulsion to stay online that interferes with obligations of school or work and is indulged in preference to engaging directly with friends and participating in social activities. Because no substance abuse is…
| 2,416 words , 1 image
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Full text Article Internet Addiction Disorder

From Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
Smartphones allow users to access the internet...
Internet addiction disorder (IAD) refers to the problematic use of the Internet, including the various aspects of its technology, including electronic mail (e-mail) and the World Wide Web. It is also known as problematic computer use, pathological computer use, and Internet overuse. The reader…
| 2,914 words , 1 image

Full text Article Internet addiction disorder

From The Encyclopedia of Addictions and Addictive Behaviors
Incessant use of the Internet to play games to the extent that an individual ultimately suffers emotional, financial, and/or personal consequences at work as well as in his or her personal and family life. Internet gaming disorder is described as a "condition for further study" within the Diagnostic…
| 1,509 words
Some mental health professionals continue to worry about the activity you're engaged in right now — using the internet. They worry it has become a breeding ground for addiction. The phenomenon has been labeled “Internet addiction.” Many addiction experts recommend using the term with caution, …
| 1,093 words
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Full text Article Addiction

From Encyclopedia of Adolescence
Addiction is a behavioral disorder involving a dependency – physical or psychological – that typically negatively disrupts an individual’s life. Although historically understood primarily in terms of drugs (especially tobacco and alcohol for adolescents), addiction now is understood as encompassing…
| 2,012 words
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Full text Article CONCLUSION

From Handbook of Forensic Psychology: Resource for Mental Health and Legal Professionals Full text Article CHAPTER 20 DISORDERS OF IMPULSE CONTROL
Although the specific category of Impulse Control Disorders has become firmly entrenched in the official diagnostic classification scheme in North America (APA, 2000), strictly defined cases are nonetheless relatively uncommon, with a result that large scale studies of homogeneous populations have…
| 283 words
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Full text Article psychology of computing

From Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology
Computing is a complex, pervasive, and increasingly vital human activity. It is not surprising that human psychology can play an important role in many aspects of computer use. In turn, there has been some evidence that the pervasive use of computer technologies and networks may be changing aspects…
| 757 words
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Mind Map

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