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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
a collection of books or other written or printed materials, as well as the facility in which they are housed and the institution that is responsible for their maintenance. Modern libraries may contain a wide range of materials, including manuscripts and pamphlets, posters, photographs, motion pictures, and videotapes, sound recordings, and computer databases in various forms. Modern libraries, in addition to providing patrons with access to books and other materials, often publish lists of accessions and may maintain a readers' advisory service. Interlibrary loan services, lecture series, public book reviews, and the maintenance of special juvenile collections are other important recent developments. Three systems of book classification are widely used to facilitate access to library collections: the Dewey decimal system of Melvil Dewey , the system of Charles Ammi Cutter , and the Library of Congress system (see catalog ). Since the 1930s libraries have had several technological…
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From Word Origins
The Latin word for ‘book’ was liber . It is related to Russian lub ‘bark’ and Lithuanian luba ‘board’, and originally denoted ‘bark’, as used for writing on before the introduction of papyrus. From it was derived librāria ‘bookseller's shop’, which Old French took over as librairie and passed on to…
| 143 words
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From The Columbia Encyclopedia
a collection of books or other written or printed materials, as well as the facility in which they are housed and the institution that is responsible for their maintenance. Modern libraries may contain a wide range of materials, including manuscripts and pamphlets, posters, photographs, motion…
| 1,536 words
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Full text Article LIBRARIES

From Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment
Access to library services is an important aspect of the activities in prison, and the prison library has come to play as important a role in the prison community as that of a library in a local neighbourhood. Once the preserve of the prison chaplain and a repository of ‘improving’ works, the prison…
| 579 words
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Full text Article LIBRARIES

From The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment
Libraries were prominent symbols of learning as well as instruments of Enlightenment in the New World. As the form of libraries evolved during the eighteenth century, they helped not only to disseminate the writings of European and American Enlightenment authors to an American audience, but to…
| 1,680 words
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Full text Article Libraries

From Encyclopedia of American Studies
Boys sitting at tables holding open books inside...
Native North Americans possessed active cultures, but because they had not deve... …
| 2,420 words , 4 images
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From The Classical Tradition
Since antiquity, libraries have served as important conduits for the material preservation and transmission of classical texts. Representative of wealth and power—books and their production remained an expensive business well into modern times—libraries also reflect the cultural and ideological…
| 3,222 words
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Full text Article Libraries

From The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education
Libraries are an evolving species. Their focus shifts with developments in society to offer resources that match the information outputs and demands of the age. Academic library missions vary within the educational institutions to which they are attached. Just as some higher education institutions…
| 1,223 words

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From Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
Curator of a Family...
Several factors contributed to the prevalence of libraries in the medieval Muslim world. First, manuscript books were relatively cheap. Papermaking technology arrived in the Muslim world in the eighth century CE from China, providing Muslims with a material cheaper than the papyrus used previously…
| 2,900 words , 2 images
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From The Macquarie Dictionary
a place set apart to contain books and other literary material for reading, study, or reference, as a room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or borrowed. libraries noun /'la1bri/, /'luybree/ /-br7ri/, /-bruhree/ Originally US /-r8ri/, /-reree/ libraries a lending library or a public…
| 189 words
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Full text Article Libraries

From The Harvard Dictionary of Music
Considerable progress in making known the contents of libraries has been made in recent decades. The publications of RISM have greatly expanded the information given in Robert Eitner's Biographisch-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexicon (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1900–1904; 2nd ed., Graz: …
| 293 words
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