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Definition: money from The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide

Any common medium of exchange acceptable in payment for goods or services or for the settlement of debts; legal tender. Money is usually coinage (metal coins having endured as a medium of exchange since the 8th century BC) and paper notes. Developments such as the cheque and debit and credit cards fulfil many of the traditional functions of money.


Managing Money and Gambling


Bank of England – Banknote Printing

History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day


From The Columbia Encyclopedia
term that refers to two concepts: the abstract unit of account in terms of which the value of goods, services, and obligations can be compared; and anything that is widely established as a means of payment. Frequently the standard of value also serves as a medium of exchange, but that is not always the case. Many ancient communities, for instance, took cattle as their standard of value but used more manageable objects as means of payment. Exchange involving the use of money is a great improvement over barter, since it permits elaborate specialization and provides generalized purchasing power that the participants in the exchange may use in the future. The growth of monetary institutions has largely paralleled that of trade and industry; today almost all economic activity is concerned with the making and spending of money incomes. From the earliest times precious metals have had wide monetary use, owing to convenience of handling, durability, divisibility, and the high intrinsic value…
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From Routledge Dictionary of Economics
Anything which is immediately and generally acceptable for the discharge of a debt or in exchange for a good or service. In most cases, a liability of a government introduced into an economy by making transfer payments to firms and households or by purchasing assets. To be used as a measure of…
| 276 words
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Full text Article Money

From Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present Full text Article A-Z Entries
Florentine moneymen attend to business in an...
Any object that is generally accepted as payment by sellers of goods and services or by creditors. Money may take the form of coins, bills, currency notes, or checks (representing bank balances). Ancient societies used gold nuggets, wooden tallies, cattle, shells, dried cod, salt, tobacco, and sugar…
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From Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
To the anthropologist money is the means for effecting one particular ritual, payment . Payment is the transfer, from one person (the ‘payer’) to another person (the ‘payee’) of an interest which is always expressed as a multiple of a recognized unit with its own name, or ‘denomination’. Money is…
| 1,108 words
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Full text Article Money

From QFinance: The Ultimate Resource
To be extraordinarily happy and to have no concern for money drives some people nuts. Baker, Danny . Desert Island Discs , BBC Radio (July 31, 2011). People would rather earn 60 grand in an area where their neighbours earn 40, than earn 80 in an area where their neighbours earn a hundred. …
| 1,279 words
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Full text Article money

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
term that refers to two concepts: the abstract unit of account in terms of which the value of goods, services, and obligations can be compared; and anything that is widely established as a means of payment. Frequently the standard of value also serves as a medium of exchange, but that is not always…
| 1,239 words
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From The Chambers Dictionary
( pl mon'eys or mon'ies ; see below) coin, pieces of stamped metal used as a trading medium; any currency used in the same way; wealth. [OFr moneie (Fr monnaie ), from L’ monēta money, a mint, Monēta (the reminder) being a surname of Juno, in whose temple at Rome money was coined] adj having money; …
| 657 words
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Full text Article Money

From Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Following after the Gallic invasion of Rome in 344  bc , Lucius Furius (or according to other accounts, Camillus) built a temple to juno Moneta (the Monitress) on the spot where the house of Manlius Capitolinus stood, and to this temple was attached the first Roman mint , as the public treasury ( …
| 894 words
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From The Macquarie Dictionary
moneys, monies gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public authority and issued as a medium of exchange and measure of value. monies, moneys moneys, monies current coin. monies, moneys moneys, monies coin or certificate (as banknotes, etc.) generally accepted in…
| 408 words
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From Collins English Dictionary
n 1 a medium of exchange that functions as legal tender 2 the official currency, in the form of banknotes, coins, etc, issued by a government or other authority 3 a particular denomination or form of currency: silver money 4 property or assets with reference to their realizable value 5 ( pl moneys…
| 196 words
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Full text Article Money

From Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
Money is a convenient social invention used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. As trade expanded and economies grew, money came to replace barter—the exchange of goods or services in return for other goods or services. Early examples of money include shells and stones. Contemporary…
| 278 words
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