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From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Otariidae and Phocidae (sometimes placed in a separate order, the Pinnipedia). The eared seals or sea lions (Otariidae) have small external ears, unlike the true seals (Phocidae). Seals have a streamlined body with thick blubber for insulation, and front and hind flippers. They are able to close their nostrils as they dive, and obtain oxygen from their blood supply while under water. They feed on fish, squid, or crustaceans, and are commonly found in Arctic and Antarctic seas, but also in Mediterranean, Caribbean, and Hawaiian waters. In true seals, the hind flippers provide the thrust for swimming, but they cannot be brought under the body for walking on land. Among eared seals (and walruses), the front flippers are the most important for swimming and the hind flippers can be brought forward under the body for walking. Terminology A group of seals is called a herd . A breeding colony is known as a rookery . The young are called pups ; a group…
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From Philip's Encyclopedia
The harp seal (Phoca groenlandica, top) is a true...
Any of several species of carnivorous, primarily marine, aquatic mammals. It feeds on fish, crustaceans, and other marine animals; various species are hunted for meat, hides, oil, and fur. Species of true, earless seals such as the leopard seal ( Hydrurga leptonyx ), hooded seal ( Cystophora…
| 217 words , 1 image
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Full text Article SEALs

From Encyclopedia of Warrior Peoples & Fighting Groups Full text Article ENTRIES
Insignia of the United States Navy SEALs.
An elite unit in the U.S. Navy. World War II was the first conflict in which amphibious landings took place with regularity, and the doctrine for such operations to a great extent developed during the landings themselves. From 7 August 1942, when American forces invaded the island of Guadalcanal in…
| 2,101 words , 1 image
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Pinniped phylogeny from a cladogram based...
Abstract Seals (Pinnipedia) are an important group of marine mammals that include the true seals, eared seals, and the walrus. The most abundant members are found in the polar regions, including the ringed seal in the Arctic and the crabeater seal in the Antarctic. Members of these groups have…
| 4,446 words , 1 image
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Full text Article SEAL

From Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity
I. In Greek philosophy - II. In the Old and New Testament - III. In the writings of later Christian authors - IV. In gnosticism. In Greek thought, the OT and the NT, the writings of Christian authors, and in * gnosticism , the image of the seal, through the idea of “mark” which evokes it, relates to…
| 1,941 words
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Full text Article seal

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Otariidae and Phocidae (sometimes placed in a separate order, the Pinnipedia). The eared seals or sea lions (Otariidae) have small external ears, unlike the true seals (Phocidae). Seals have a streamlined body with thick blubber for insulation, and front…
| 1,125 words
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From Shakespeare's Theatre: A Dictionary of His Stage Context
In medieval society physical objects often carried an aura of significance and power of which seals are an example. These imprinting devices for the wax on ties securing important documents (treaties, entitlements, etc.) were identified with great offices of Church and state. Among the most…
| 280 words
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From Dictionary of Architecture and Construction
A device usually consisting of an impression upon wax or paper, or a wafer, or the inscription of the letters “L.S.” (locus sigilli), sometimes used in the execution of a formal legal document such as a deed or contract. In some states, the statute of limitations applicable to a contract under seal…
| 195 words
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Full text Article fur seal

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
fin-footed marine mammal of the eared seal family (Otaridae), highly valued for its fur. Like the closely related sea lion , the nine species of fur seals are distinguished from the true seal by external ears and the ability to turn their hind flippers forward for walking on land. The northern, or…
| 443 words
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Full text Article presidential seal

From Encyclopedia of the American Presidency
The presidential seal (Great Seal of the Office of the President) is a variation of the Great Seal of the United States of America. The Great Seal is a symbol of the nation and embodies the beliefs and philosophy of the founders. The first presidential seal was authorized for design by a committee…
| 296 words

Full text Article harp seal

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
crested earless, or true, seal , Phoca groenlandica , found in the N Atlantic around Greenland and the White Sea. In the spring, harp seals migrate southward to assemble in large groups to breed near the Newfoundland and Norwegian coasts. The young, born on ice floes, are covered with a fluffy white…
| 197 words
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