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Definition: sexism from Philip's Encyclopedia

Discrimination against and subordination of people on the basis of their sex. It may result from prejudice, stereotyping, or social pressure. See also women's rights movement


From Encyclopedia of Social Problems
Sexism is a system of oppression that privileges men and discriminates against women. Sexism requires prejudice plus power. Like racism, sexism is not about isolated incidents but about patterns. The institutions of government, law, religion, education, and the media—as well as language and social mores—long perpetuated sexism, keeping females inferior and subordinate. Even though a female can discriminate against a male and do him harm to the point of taking his life simply because he is a male, such discrimination is different from systemic oppression. The societal problem is sexism, not males, and the movement to end sexism, sex exploitation, and oppression is feminism. Today discussions about the women’s movement typically speak in terms of waves. The First Wave grew out of the anti-slavery movement and began as an organized movement with the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and ended with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women the right…
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From Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought
1 . Mild: the view that distinctions of gender are morally or politically significant, in such a way as to justify assigning different rights and different standards of behaviour to the two sexes. 2 . Strong: the view that one of the sexes is in some respect inferior to the other, in such a way as…
| 885 words
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Full text Article Sexism

From Feminist Philosophies A-Z
Sexism is the institutional and individual patriarchal oppression of women that results from their sex as women and the tandem sex privileging given to men because they are men. In one of her earliest essays Marilyn Frye seeks to understand and define sexist. She says ‘the term “sexist” in its core…
| 335 words
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Full text Article SEXISM

From Global Dictionary of Theology
An explanation of sexism is a not a stereotypical discussion about educated, middle-class, Anglo-American women who hate men. Nor is it a matter of taking power or demanding equality defined in terms of Euro-American, middle- and upper-class males. The manifestations of sexism are global and the…
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Full text Article Sexism

From Encyclopedia of Adolescence
Recent research has left little doubt that most adolescents in the USA experience sexist acts from peers and adults (American Association of University Women [AAUW] 2011 ; Leaper and Brown 2014 ). As subsequently described, these experiences can affect their self-concepts, motivation, adjustment, …
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Full text Article Sexism

From Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies
Discrimination against people on the grounds of assumed differences in their qualities, behaviours and characteristics resulting from their sex. Such discrimination may be targeted against men as well as women, but generally women are seen as its main victims. Sexism may manifest itself in an…
| 260 words
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Full text Article sexism

From Good Word Guide
The use of sexist language can often be avoided by the substitution of neutral synonyms or simple paraphrases, without recourse to clumsy or controversial neologisms. Those opponents of sexism who coin such expressions as the artist's mistress-piece and to person the telephones do little to further…
| 272 words
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Full text Article sexism

From Encyclopedia of African-American Politics
Sexism—discrimination based on sex, especially against women by men seeking to maintain male dominance—is as integral a feature of the American democracy and its political system as is racism. And like racism, it is deeply rooted in Western philosophy, sanctioned by an ideology of male supremacism…
| 904 words

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From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
This term is used to describe those social processes and social structures that demonstrate a prejudice towards the interests of one sex rather than another. The term is most generally used to describe the ways in which women have been depicted in derogatory and demeaning ways by a particular…
| 280 words
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Full text Article sexism

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Belief in (or set of implicit assumptions about) the superiority of one's own sex, often accompanied by a stereotype or preconceived idea about the opposite sex. Sexism may also be accompanied by discrimination on the basis of sex, generally as practised by men against women. The term, coined by…
| 105 words
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Full text Article SEXISM

From Historical Dictionary of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation Movements
In a patriarchy , sexism is discrimination based on the belief that males are superior to females, or that they have privileges and political, economic, and social power(s) not available to females, or those marked as feminine or men not meeting the masculine standard. This discrimination may be…
| 115 words
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