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Definition: ventilation from Collins English Dictionary


1 the act or process of ventilating or the state of being ventilated

2 an installation in a building that provides a supply of fresh air

› ˈventiˌlative adj

› ˈventiˌlatory adj


From The Columbia Encyclopedia
process of supplying fresh air to an enclosed space and removing from it air contaminated by odors, gases, or smoke. Proper ventilation requires also that there be a movement or circulation of the air within the space and that the temperature and humidity be maintained within a range that allows adequate evaporation of perspiration from the skin. It was formerly believed that the discomfort, headache, and lethargy commonly associated with poor ventilation were caused entirely by the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and the decrease in the oxygen content of the air. There is evidence to show, however, that the deleterious effects result largely from interference with the heat-regulating mechanism of the body. Lack of air currents and the increase in relative humidity and temperature (especially noticeable in crowded, poorly ventilated places) prevent normal evaporation of perspiration and loss of heat from the surface of the skin. Natural ventilation depends on winds outside and…
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Full text Article Ventilation

From Encyclopedia of Environmental Health
Some representative minimum ventilation...
Buildings are ventilated to provide outdoor air into a building or a room and distribute within it for the purpose of maintaining occupant health. The three basic elements of building ventilation are the outdoor air ventilation rate, the airflow direction, and the air distribution or airflow pattern…
| 8,531 words , 2 images

Full text Article ventilation

From The Columbia Encyclopedia
process of supplying fresh air to an enclosed space and removing from it air contaminated by odors, gases, or smoke. Proper ventilation requires also that there be a movement or circulation of the air within the space and that the temperature and humidity be maintained within a range that allows…
| 532 words
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Full text Article Ventilation

From Black's Veterinary Dictionary
Ventilation methods for cattle houses: Top,...
Ventilation may be summed up as ‘the measures necessary to rectify the pollution of the air in a building - without the production of a draught’. Whenever animals are enclosed in a confined building they gradually use up the oxygen and discharge into the air quantities of carbon dioxide and water…
| 326 words , 1 image
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Full text Article ventilation

From Penguin Dictionary of Biology
Rhythmic breathing movements of an animal's muscles and skeleton, increasing gaseous exchange across respiratory surfaces. Often termed external respiration . In large active insects the abdomen commonly vibrates and undergoes reversible ‘telescoping’ as the sternum and tergum of each segment move, …
| 197 words
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Full text Article Ventilation Management

From Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
Ventilation management involves providing optimal mechanical ventilation in order to promote the patient's recovery and to reestablish spontaneous breathing. Mechanical ventilation is used when a patient is unable to breathe adequately on their own. The purpose of ventilation management is to…
| 1,660 words
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Full text Article Ventilation system

From International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management
Ventilation contributes to human comfort. Air inside an occupied building can become stale and stagnant. In hotels, activities such as smoking and cooking tend to magnify this problem. Consequently, the air in the building needs either to be filtered or to be replaced with fresh outside air. The…
| 267 words
Key concepts:

Full text Article Ventilation Assistance

From Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
Ventilation assistance includes a variety of methods designed to help restore or improve breathing function in patients who are unable to adequately breathe on their own. These methods range from at-home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to mechanical…
| 2,838 words
Key concepts:

Full text Article Mechanical Ventilation

From Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
Mechanical ventilation is the use of a mechanical device (machine) to inflate and deflate the lungs. Mechanical ventilation provides the force needed to deliver air to the lungs in a patient whose own ventilatory abilities are diminished or lost. Breathing requires the movement of air into and out…
| 1,446 words
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Full text Article Artificial Ventilation of the Lungs

From Black's Medical Dictionary, 43rd Edition
When we breathe in, the outward movement of the chest increases the volume of the lungs and the pressure in them falls below that of the outside world. Therefore, air is drawn in automatically. When we breathe out, some air exits because of the normal elastic recoil of the lungs, but we also force…
| 679 words
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Full text Article Ventilation

From Black's Medical Dictionary, 43rd Edition
Passage of air into and out of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM . The process by which air is purified and circulated in domestic, occupational, industrial, and other settings. Ideally, the air we breathe should be of the right temperature and humidity, and free of dust, smoke, pollen, and other contaminants. …
| 123 words
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