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Vietnam War

From Encyclopedia of American Studies
The Vietnam War was not only America's longest conflict but, excluding the Civil War, its most divisive. Beginning in the aftermath of World War II and lasting into the 1970s, U.S. involvement in Vietnam, indeed throughout Southeast Asia, grew progressively from an advisory effort into a major war. Eventually, over fifty thousand Americans and millions of Asians were killed, and the United States spent hundreds of billions of dollars in a failed effort to prevent a victory by Nationalist-Communist forces in Vietnam. Domestically, the war opened deep civil wounds as millions of Americans opposed U.S. intervention in Vietnam and created one of the largest mass protest movements in American history. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, as veterans and draft resisters from the Vietnam era took public roles and large numbers of immigrants from Southeast Asia came to reside in the United States, the legacy of the war still remained strong. The United States initially became involved…
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From Encyclopedia of Intelligence & Counterintelligence
South Vietnamese troops round up Viet Cong...
The longest war in American history to date (from the early 1960s to 1975), the Vietnam War was a conflict between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) and Republic of Vietnam (RVN), supported by the United States. American intelligence involvement in Vietnam began during World War II, when the…
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From The Great American History Fact-Finder
Military conflict in Vietnam between the U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government and the Communist-led guerrilla forces backed by North Vietnam. The war, the nation's longest, resulted in the loss of 58,000 American lives and was the first in which the United States failed to achieve its goals. The…
| 412 words
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From Philip's Encyclopedia
(1954-75) Conflict between US-backed South Vietnam and the Viet Cong , who had the support of communist North Vietnam. It followed the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu (1954) and the partition of Vietnam. In 1956, President Ngo Dinh Diem cancelled elections in South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh…
| 225 words
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Full text Article Vietnam War

From Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
Only one war over Vietnam ended when North Vietnamese forces captured Saigon in April 1975. Conflict over the meaning of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and the implications of it continued to be waged in American culture and politics for the rest of the twentieth century and into the early years of the…
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Full text Article Vietnam War

From Encyclopedia of American Literature Full text Article Volume 4
The United States military first entered Vietnam in an advisory capacity in 1954, combat began in the 1960s, and U.S. forces did not withdraw until 1973. The war was divisive on the homefront. Antiwar protesters led what amounted to a cultural revolution, as opposition to the war broadened into a…
| 629 words
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Full text Article Vietnam War

From Encyclopedia of the American Presidency
President Richard Nixon unveiled his plan for...
The Vietnam War was one of the most difficult and divisive wars in history. It began in the post–World War II era when the French could no longer maintain its empire and the United States felt compelled to assume control lest the communists take power. A series of presidents made commitments and…
| 431 words , 1 image

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From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
(1954–75) Protracted conflict between South Vietnam (with its principal ally, the U.S.) and North Vietnam, in which South Vietnam was fighting to prevent being united with North Vietnam under communist leadership. After the First Indochina War , Vietnam was partitioned to separate the warring…
| 364 words
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1955–1975 The Vietnam War was America's longest war. In total, the conflict in Vietnam lasted from 1946 to 1975. The official dates of U.S. involvement were 1964–73. The Vietnam War was extremely costly and destructive and had a profound effect on both the soldiers who fought it and the civilians…
| 2,042 words
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Full text Article Vietnam War

From Encyclopedia of African-American Politics
The Vietnam War—the effort of the United States to prevent by the use of military force the unification of North and South Vietnam under Communist control—was a watershed event in American and African-American politics. It was a turning point mainly because it led to a breakup of the cold war…
| 1,671 words

Full text Article Vietnam War

From Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
Robert McNamara served as U.S. secretary of...
1954–1975 The United States's involvement in Vietnam spanned the terms of six presidents. The cost of the war and the level of destruction was staggering: 55,000 Americans died; 7 million tons of bombs were dropped; at its high point, 541,000 U.S. troops were in Vietnam; a total cost of $150…
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