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Definition: Weimar Republic from Philip's Encyclopedia

(1919-33) Popular name for the republic of Germany created after World War 1. It was named after the city of Weimar where the constitution was drawn up in 1919. It was hampered by severe economic difficulties. The Weimar constitution was suspended after Adolf Hitler became chancellor and the republic was superseded by the Third Reich.

Weimar Republic

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Constitutional republic in Germany from 1919 to 1933, which was crippled by the election of antidemocratic parties to the Reichstag (parliament), and then subverted by the Nazi leader Hitler after his appointment as chancellor in 1933. It took its name from the city where in February 1919 a constituent assembly met to draw up a democratic constitution. The establishment of the Weimar Republic Following the German collapse in World War I and Germany's acceptance of the Allies' armistice terms in November 1918, a newly elected national assembly met in Weimar in February 1919. The assembly was unable to meet in Berlin because of a socialist uprising in the capital. A provisional constitution was adopted, marking the beginning of the Weimar Republic, that was to last until Hitler came to power in 1933. The moderate socialist Friedrich Ebert was elected president, while the Social Democrat Philip Scheidemann formed a coalition cabinet. The Treaty of Versailles As the defeated power in World…
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From An Illustrated Dictionary of the Third Reich
The period in German history between 1919 and 1933 when the government was a democratic republic governed by a constitution that was laid out in the German city of Weimar. Technically, the Weimar Constitution lasted until 1945, when the German government was formally dissolved in the wake of World…
| 300 words
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1919–1933 The term most commonly used for the government of Germany from 1919 until 1933, named after the town in central Germany where its constitution was drafted, the Weimar Republic was Germany's first experiment with a liberal democratic government. Throughout its existence the Weimar Republic…
| 1,522 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Constitutional republic in Germany from 1919 to 1933, which was crippled by the election of antidemocratic parties to the Reichstag (parliament), and then subverted by the Nazi leader Hitler after his appointment as chancellor in 1933. It took its name from the city where in February 1919 a…
| 2,671 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
Government of Germany 1919–33, so named because the assembly that adopted its constitution met at Weimar in 1919. In its early years, the Weimar Republic was troubled by postwar economic and financial problems and political instability, but it had recovered considerably by the late 1920s. Its major…
| 126 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Houghton Mifflin
A common name for the democratic government of Germany between the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler in 1933; Weimar, Germany, was where its constitution was drawn up. The constitution abolished the several constitutional monarchies that had previously…
| 115 words
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Full text Article Why was the Weimar Republic in a constant state of crisis between 1919 and 1923?

From The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide
Background In July 1919 the new Weimar Republic was established as the constitutional government of Germany. Although created in an atmosphere of hope, it was beset by constant problems for its first four years. Full answer The new republic faced problems from the start the constitution details…
| 630 words
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Background From its foundation in 1919 until 1923 the Weimar Republic was in continual crisis. Political crises were followed by economic collapse in the early 1920s. But from 1924 to 1929, there was stability and relative prosperity. This ended after 1929, and by 1933 the Weimar Republic had been…
| 628 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From Philip's Encyclopedia
| 58 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From Chambers Dictionary of World History
| 61 words
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Full text Article Weimar Republic

From The Chambers Dictionary
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