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Fires, Forest

From Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief
Forest Fires and wildfires have long been a part of natural cycle of growth across the earth, and have been both a blessing and curse to mankind. The management of wildfires has changed drastically over the centuries, from early efforts to extinguish every fire to modern wildfire management, where fire is used as tool to manage forests to ensure they remain healthy and vibrant ecosystems. Wildfires, or bushfires as they are called in Australia and New Zealand, are defined as an uncontrolled fire burning in an undeveloped or lightly developed area, and are associated with the burning of natural vegetation rather than structures. As these fires approach developed areas, they are referred to as wildland-urban interface fires. This is often the case in areas of southern California, where undeveloped wilderness areas are often immediately adjacent to developed areas with very little, if any, buffer zone. While wildfires occur all over the world, they tend to be most prevalent in North…
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Prescribed fire during the dry season...
Wildfires create enormous problems, even after the last ember is extinguished. In July 1994, a wildfire burned 800 hectares (2,000 acres) of forest and scrub on the steep slopes of Storm King Mountain, near Glenwood Springs, north‐east Colorado. In September 1994, torrential rains triggered debris…
| 225 words , 1 image
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Wildfires may be caused intentionally or accidentally by human action, but are typically triggered by lightning strikes. In the western USA, for example, many fires, especially in forests, are started by lightning. During a recent ten‐year period, more than 15,000 such fires occurred across the…
| 197 words
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Wildfires are a serious and growing hazard over much of the United States, posing a considerable threat to life and property − particularly when they move from forest or rangeland into developed areas. Wildfires also constitute a natural process, and attempts at suppression in the past are now…
| 381 words
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Prescribed fire has a long history in the south‐eastern United States, where it has been used to improve forage quality, reduce pest populations, and decrease the likelihood of destructive wildfires. Fire has been so pervasive that most of the familiar habitats in the south‐east United States…
| 156 words
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Deliberate deforestation by burning is a serious problem in Indonesia and also in Brazil where deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is proceeding at an alarming rate. The high poverty‐rate in countries like Indonesia and Brazil create social needs that conflict with environmental needs. …
| 134 words
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Full text Article wildfires

From Environmental History and Global Change: A Dictionary of Environmental History
An uncontrolled fire in a grassland, scrub or woodland area. These may originate naturally, be the accidental product of human management (e.g. fires in heather moorland getting out of control) or be started deliberately. They can also be caused by lightning strikes, volcanoes or spontaneous…
| 188 words
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Full text Article wildfire

From The Macquarie Dictionary
a highly flammable composition, as Greek fire, difficult to extinguish when ignited, formerly used in warfare. Plural: wildfires a grassfire or bushfire of unusual intensity and speed which is out of control we have been free of massive wildfires causing loss of property and life. west australian…
| 114 words
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Full text Article Impacts of Wildfire on Children

From Encyclopedia of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires
Definition Impacts are defined as the adverse effects of wildfire on children and may include fatalities, injuries, and other effects on children’s physical and mental health, education, family functioning, and social connectedness. Children are defined as persons under the age of 18 years. …
| 5,609 words

Full text Article Wildfires and WUI Fire Fatalities

From Encyclopedia of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires
Wildfires and WUI Fire Fatalities, Fig. 1...
Synonyms Firefighter fatalities Definition Information collected on fatalities including civilian and firefighters during wildfire and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fire. This information is used to better understand the context surrounding fatalities and to support emergency management policies. …
| 7,130 words , 7 images

Full text Article Economics of WUI/Wildfire Prevention and Education

From Encyclopedia of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires
Economics of WUI/Wildfire Prevention and...
Synonyms Intervention Definition and Introduction Prevention activities are actions designed to reduce the likelihood of an ignition in the wildlands or wildland-urban interface (WUI). Excluded are flame spread and firebrand generation processes, and related mitigation approaches, such as fuels…
| 3,417 words , 1 image
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